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  • MLT on Sirius XM Again!!!!!

    Posted by Michael Rife on 24/01/2019 at 00:01

    Big news again from the Sirius XM Beatles channel. At around 5:52 PM I was riding home from the university and I was listening to the Beatles channel.  Helen Wheels by McCartney and Wings came on and I changed the channel.  I confess I tend to change the channel when they play the solo Beatles and switch off to ’60s on 6 or ’70s on 7 or some other channel.  Then at 5:56 I switched back to the Beatles channel and I heard these two female singers singing a cover of “This Boy” and it was the Twins!!!  I was so excited.  Now this may not seem like a big deal…….and I know that they were on Peter Asher’s program on the channel but that was a special program concerning songs about women or covers by women.  This time being played by itself means that MLT is on the Beatles channel playlist.  So, it is another step for them to be heard coast to coast in North America.  Woo-hoo!!!!

    Thomas Randall replied 5 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    24/01/2019 at 01:03

    Thats great to hear!  As more and more people discover MLT, it will have a cumulative effect of their music spreading more rapidly.

  • Ed Brown

    24/01/2019 at 11:18

    That is excellent! First of all very well deserved and second of all what a terrific way to spread the news like pollen around the world! As Michael states above the fact that you have been added to the playlist of the Beatles Channel means more and more exposure and play time. This is really wonderful news and completely has made my day!

  • Thomas Randall

    24/01/2019 at 11:39

    Fantastic! I use to sub to XM years ago but the price started getting too high for my liking.

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