
  • Posted by Tim Johnston on 28/06/2021 at 21:32

    It is going to be over 90 degrees here today so I am taking my youngest grandson Oliver swimming. But before we go, I had him stand on a chair (he is only 6) and hold up Pap’s new MLT beach towel that I am going to use. I wish you were here to join us! I’ll pay your way in????.

    Jacki Hopper replied 3 years, 2 months ago 8 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    28/06/2021 at 23:30

    Very nice! 90 degrees sounds so much nicer than the 112 it is here.

  • Thomas Randall

    28/06/2021 at 23:40

    It got to 96 F. here today at my house, it’s supposed to be hotter tomorrow they say.

    I’ll take it, I was sick of the freezing weather!

  • Roger Penn

    29/06/2021 at 00:01

    Me too. If it has to be one extreme or the other, I’d prefer it hot. But I also need to stain my deck and it’s too hot to apply stain. Grr.

  • Jung Roe

    29/06/2021 at 00:39

    It’s 41C (105.8F) here in western Canada. Hit 43C (109.4F) yesterday. The highest temp ever recorded here in history. I don’t have to go to Palm Springs anymore! 🙂

    Cool towel Tim!

  • David Herrick

    29/06/2021 at 01:10

    Meanwhile, way down south here in North Carolina it only got up to 88 F today.

    Head for the mountains, Jung!

  • Bill Isenberg

    29/06/2021 at 13:36

    90 Plus here in Pittsburgh yesterday and today. Great Picture Tim. I am off this week and have the Mona Lisa Twins on as I do the honey do list!!

    • Tim Johnston

      29/06/2021 at 14:39

      I’m near you Bill, over in Westmoreland County

  • Bill Isenberg

    29/06/2021 at 19:46

    So cool Tim and it is a hot one today for sure here in Pittsburgh. What is the temp where your at? How long of a trip is it for you to get to Pittsburgh?

    • Tim Johnston

      29/06/2021 at 19:57

      Half an hour or more depending on the parkway east

  • Darryl Boyd

    30/06/2021 at 03:02

    I’m a summer person. Unfortunately it’s winter down here and only 17 (62F) today.

    Enjoy the hot weather!

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/06/2021 at 13:32

    Groovy pix there Tim of/with Oliver with the MLT Beach Towel…in Ottawa, it’s been a scorcher humidity recently…

    That MLT Beach Towel is on my Wish List to get at some point when I can do so…Keep Cool????…

    Though I ‘m a Summer Lover Gal , hate Winter , only like it on Xmas Day…lol… I could do without Summer Humidity factor, during Summer…ideally my perfect Summer Temp is between 20 to 24 Degrees Celcius with an ever so slightly gentle coolishwarm refreshing breeze….Ahhh

  • David Herrick

    01/07/2021 at 02:15

    In most of the U.S., 62 F would be a nice spring day, not winter.

    All in favor of moving the party to Darryl’s place?

    • Darryl Boyd

      01/07/2021 at 09:56

      I’ve got plenty of room 🙂

      Bring the acoustic guitars and we’ll have a sing along!

    • Jacki Hopper

      01/07/2021 at 17:51

      Okaydokey, I’ll bring my tambourine, percussion exotics I have ( steel pronged forked type one and a xylophone like type one), harmonica and I’ll provide singing too…lol

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