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  • MLT Tragic from BrisVegas, Australia

    Posted by Howard on 12/10/2018 at 19:05

    Hi fellow MLT supporters.

    So wonderful to have this club and be a member. Can’t wait for my next order (including the three ‘MLT Play Beatles and More’ CDs)to arrive. Mona, Lisa, Michaela, and Rudi are doing a fantastic job.

    My name is Howard and I live in Brisbane, Downunder, where it is much warmer than either Austria or the UK. However, I would very much like to visit Vienna and Liverpool. Apart from New Zealand where I lived for twelve months, the only overseas destinations I have visited are Nepal and Tibet.

    I first came across the MonaLisa Twins by accident while searching YouTube about two months ago, so I’m a very recent convert and have had much to catch up on. I think it was the live version of ‘You’re Going to Lose that Girl’ that caught my eye first and got me hooked and I couldn’t go to bed that night until I had watched all the videos of your first public concert at the tender age of 13 and then followed the progression of your careers from that point.

    Difficult to pick just one favourite MLT song as there are so many, but I’ll try. Of your covers I’d have to say ‘You’re Going to Lose that Girl’ and ‘Bus Stop’, which I think is even better than the Hollies original, and this is coming from a Hollies fan. Of your originals I’d have to go with ‘The Wide Wide Land’ from your first album (simply beautiful, especially with the awesome video) and the stand out single from ‘Orange’ – ‘Still a Friend of Mine’, although ‘Count on Me’ is growing on me, just like so many others.

    I enjoy listening to classical music occasionally and have my iPhone full of mainly sixties and seventies music which I don’t listen to much anymore as I’m now too busy listening to MLT music.

    As just a poor high school student in the sixties I couldn’t afford to go to concerts but I did manage to catch the Rolling Stones at their peak when they visited Brisbane in 1973. Tremendous concert and the band included the great blues guitarist Mick Taylor, the replacement for the unfortunately recently departed Brian Jones.

    Nothing terribly interesting about me and although I have nothing like the talent of Mona and Lisa, I at least share their passion for the type of music they are playing.

    Stay Groovy

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    13/10/2018 at 01:21

    Hiya ..Gidday ….nice to meet you Hiward…enjoyed reading your commentary????????☮️

  • Rudolf Wagner

    14/10/2018 at 18:32

    Hi Howard!
    Thanks for that lovely introduction, your pre-orders and for joining the club! The full triad 😉 ❤
    Unfortunately we’ve never gotten a chance to see Brisbane during our 6-month stay in Australia but if the people there are anything like the rest of your country it must be a terrific place!

    Thanks for sharing a bit of your life with us too – we love hearing details like that. Seeing the Stones in ‘73 must have been a treat!
    Looking forward to seeing you around the Club!

  • Jung Roe

    17/10/2018 at 05:37

    Hi Howard.  A real pleasure to meet you too!

    One of the other great things about the MLT Club in addition to being able to express and enjoy our passion for MLT and their music, is meeting nice people like yourself from around the world.  Australia is one of the places high on my list I would like to see one day as it is literally on the opposite side of the planet from where I am in Vancouver BC Canada.  I think it would be such a different world there with completely different climate, geography, animals, plants etc.

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