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  • Jung Roe

    16/11/2021 at 09:46

    Great to see your art Jacki! Thanks for sharing it.

  • Jürgen

    16/11/2021 at 10:20

    Very well done Jacki! Reminds me a bit of Andy Warhol.

  • Tom Fones

    16/11/2021 at 23:32

    I knew that i recognized a similar style.

    Andy Warhol it is. Cheers.

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/11/2021 at 16:56

    Thanks All, but Andy Warhol, was not my intention…lol… I have glaucoma eye issues and hand/eye cordination/arthritis issues, thus my drawing style… Although Andy Warhol was a peculiar, quirky man, I was never keen on his stuff… I just like to have my own style sense … I’m of my own creative world, not aiming to be like anyone else, I guess like opinions …to each their own … lol ☮

    • Jürgen

      20/11/2021 at 17:11

      Hi Jacki,

      when I wrote that your drawing reminds me of Andy Warhol, I meant it as a compliment and not as a criticism. The intense colours of your drawing remind me of Warhol’s “Marilyn Monroe” colour prints. I’m sorry if you misunderstood. I like your picture very much because it conveys an artistic style and I’m serious now.

    • Jacki Hopper

      20/11/2021 at 17:17

      Hi Jurgen, Thankyou for your explanation, , I’m quite very keen on doing things creatively of my own style, I guess to others it reminds them of other people’s creative works, maybe that’s a compliment or not….lol… I appreciate you being serious now with your followup but I thought it best to explain why I draw as I do . …it may appear childlike consistency but I can’t help it, I love to draw, write poetry, be creative in general, I’m at my happiest when I am ☮

    • Jürgen

      20/11/2021 at 21:44

      Hi Jacki,

      I would like to tell you a little story (because that’s what I like to do). During my time at school, my art teacher let me feel that I was not artistically talented. Because I don’t know the classical drawing styles: I can’t draw a potrait or a still life. But I have always known that I like to “work” with colour. I like taking photographs and making films. A few years ago, rather by chance, I got to know some people who drew and painted. And one woman from this group even had a small studio and sold her pictures. She taught me a bit about how to use colours and different drawing tools and I started to paint pictures myself. My kind of paintings: not representational, but just shapes and colours that blend into each other. I can’t describe it exactly, but you have to see it. And with one of my paintings, another woman said: I would even hang that painting in my living room at home. That comment made me quite proud and I didn’t really care why she liked this picture. The important thing for me: she liked it. I don’t know if my art teacher’s drawings have ever hung in anyone’s living room. Probably not. What I want to say is: why don’t you take it easy with your way of drawing or even writing poetry? And if someone like me comes along and says: “Hey Jacki, your painting reminds me of Warhol”, then that’s a good thing, because I like some of Warhol’s prints, even if I find the guy quite strange. Whatever you paint or write, it will always trigger associations or feelings in other people. And as long as there are positive and good feelings that are reflected back to you, that’s great. It doesn’t matter if your pictures remind me of old Warhol or someone else. What I wanted to tell you is that I like your picture very much and I like your way of drawing. Why I do so it is my own business and not at all important for you as an artist. Don’t try to be what others might see in you, just be what makes you feel good.

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/11/2021 at 17:12

    Another creative mood stab at things on this app… and no, hopefully not Andy Warhol influenced, …lol…

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/11/2021 at 17:48

    Whoops, forgot to add note before posting…lol…my brain is off slightly today from getting flushot in arm yesterday… Last creative go from me for today for drawings …lol…time to go have a nap I think …☮

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/11/2021 at 22:27

    Hi Jurgen, I appreciate your story, and like you, I just go ahead and do my own thing, if others don’t like it, then that’s their perogative, and thus not open minded, in my opinion…. I don’t also always explain myself clearly to make a point and it often gets misunderstood…. I got bullied as a kid severely and I guess I don’t always take to things I see as a negative in my mind, and my apologies, I just do things because it makes me happy and if others appreciate, even better…. I had a dipped of an art teacher like yours in high school back in the day….lol….maybe they’re related…. I’ve posted previously on here my artwork/poetry over the years of MLT relatedness… I ‘m like the Energizer Bunny, I just keep on going, no matter what….. I apologize if my commentary was misunderstood by you too…. let’s just start fresh, and carry on ????☮

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