• Mona and Lisa Hoodie

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 09/11/2022 at 16:21

    Hello Everyone! I hope you all dont’ mind but I have to share this with you all. As most of you know I retired in April and I have been trying to loose weight. Last year I bought a Hoodie and ordered an XL and when I got it, it did not fit me, I was so depressed and said I am not ordering a bigger size I just need to loose weight. So I am pleased to say, it fits now!! I lost over 30 pounds since April and I tried it on the other day and it fits and I am over the moon knowing now I can wear it and show everyone how much I love the Mona Lisa Twins in public. Sorry to blow my horn here but I have been struggling for years with loosing weight and I am on a path of loosing weight. Now I am not exactley where I want to be but going in the right direction. And so gald I can wear my Mona and Lisa Hoodie and that just makes me so happy!!!

    Thomas Randall replied 1 year, 9 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    09/11/2022 at 16:46

    Congrats Bill on Weight Loss Journey and the #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Celebration of MLT Hoodie now fitting you 😊🤘… I have an MLT Hoodie , and it’s a Medium ( it was anonymously gifted to me awhile ago ) and it JUST fits me, I normally wear L-XL in Hoodies, Tshirts , etc because of different factors ( body proportions ) but primarily because I like things baggy on me and also for the fact I’m always cold so the L-XL is practical for me as I wear many layers to keep warm in cooler weather ( especially Canadian Winters )but I can fit into Medium , but it JUST fits on me, also, depending on style, etc, my size varies on what I can fit into so I’m going to safely say for me, a Medium to XL works, while a Small is going to wreak havoc on me, I can barely still fit into youth clothing…. ( I’m a 4’6 ” tall… a tad under being 5 feet tall in height … an adult trapped basically in a kid size stature in height ) Size Small does not cut it for me, anymore…. but perhaps in Men’s clothing I could get away with wearing Small to Large as the Men’s wears different design wise than Ladies …🙃

    I do wear Kid’s size 4/5 in shoes/boots and if I’m so lucky as to find a Snall Ladies size 5 in shoes/boots , I can fit into , I can…. I can also just barely be able to fit into youth girl/boy clothing, as the biggest sizes available , JUST narrowly escapes me from not being able to anymore… I ‘ve been able to get away with wearing kids’ clothes for years not now, lol… guess I finally/body changes outgrew the capacity to … in my early 50s and can still sort of get assumed for being far younger than I look/am height wise, blame that on my hereditary factor on my late Mom’s side of family, the women, mostly short statured and youthful looking … my grey hair is slowly sneaking in …lol

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
  • Roger Penn

    09/11/2022 at 17:11

    Congratulations, Bill! That’s fantastic! I need to get on the MLT diet, too!

  • Bill Isenberg

    09/11/2022 at 18:26

    Thanks Roger and Jacki! When I was working, losing weight was the last thing on my mind and all I worried about was working and came home and crashed especially in the winter. I was a work a holic and ate what ever and did not blink an eye, but at 64 years old things are different. I want to be around for my little Maddie and want to enjoy the Mona and Lisa music for ever. Again I still have a way to go, I was 240 lbs in April and now I am at 205 lbs and my goal is to be under 200 lbs and maybe get to 190 lbs in 2023. My way of losing? I walk. Some days 3 miles some days 7 miles depending on what my day has before me and I walk right after Maddie catches the bus at 8am so I have a window of opportunity to walk and still attend the things I have to do. Along with my walks I have cut back some what on what I eat, remember I did not care when I was working, eating dounets, fast food, candy, junk food….so i have not cut these out compleley but cut back, my biggest problem? Chocolate, I love chocolate.

  • David Herrick

    09/11/2022 at 18:55

    Way to go, Bill! If you’re wondering what happened to the weight you lost, I found it. Like you I dropped a lot of pounds a few years ago by going for frequent long walks. But for the last few months my work day has been starting very early and ending very late, which cuts down on the available time for walking and necessitates snacking between meals to keep my energy up. So the gut has returned, but I hope to get back in shape soon!

  • Bill Isenberg

    09/11/2022 at 18:59

    Hang in David, I feel you, when I was working? I was up at 3:30am and starting at 5am and finishing at 5 and going to pick up Maddie from Daycare and getting my second wind and then crashing at 9 so your correct no time for any walking or excersise. I also made a bet with my son who got married in July that I would loose 20 lbs by his wedding and fell short by 2 lbs. LOL…

  • David

    10/11/2022 at 00:24

    Well done, Bill! my weight had been creeping up a couple of pounds a year for years and that has only accelerated with the pandemic and working from home. Too much sitting and too much snacking instead of proper meals. Note to self: unsalted mixed nuts may be healthy, but eating a pound of them a day isn’t!

  • Bill Isenberg

    10/11/2022 at 01:59

    Thanks David! well put! My other problem? Chedder Cheese and crakers! Like you said…not a pound is good. ….LOL..

  • Jung Roe

    10/11/2022 at 06:44

    Hi Bill, congratulations, that is awesome news, and what better reward. That MLT hoodie is going to be extra special whenever you wear it. After watching Mona and Lisa run over 7 hours in the marathon video, it inspired me to get back into running, so being doing that this last year every day, and I feel so much better, even got my BP right down in the solid normal range. Mona and Lisa certainly are a great positive force in our lives, not only their music, but in so many unexpected ways!

  • Bill Isenberg

    13/12/2022 at 22:35

    So here I am with my Mona and Lisa Hoodie that did not fit me when I bought it but now it does!

  • Thomas Randall

    14/12/2022 at 01:40

    Hey congrats Bill! I have to order me a hoodie as well. It’s been a which I placed an order except for the Why album. Good for you!

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