MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Mona and Lisa solo? Isn't there's something missing.

  • Mona and Lisa solo? Isn't there's something missing.

    Posted by Tim Arnold on 07/12/2023 at 18:59

    In the current advent livestreams there were a few comments about the idea of Mona or Lisa possibly playing or recording a song as a solo. I find that very interesting and intriguing and wonder what song each would choose. I do think their “superpower” is that they have each other and compliment each other so well, but there are some Twins songs that feature Mona a little more or Lisa a little more, so, just for fun I’d like to hear everyone’s choice of a favorite “Mona” song or “Lisa” song. I have quite a few but will try to post only a couple as to give everyone a chance.

    My first pick for Mona would be Pretty Flamingo, She can play harmonica, shaker, tap her foot and sing lead at the same time. Don’t worry about missing Lisa’s guitar, Mona has one foot that isn’t doing anything so she can play that too.

    Tim Arnold replied 9 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Tim Arnold

    07/12/2023 at 19:05

    Maybe my first choice of a Lisa song is Vincent. Lisa delivers this with such passion, I have listened to it many times and have not got through it without a tear. It’s one of the best songs I’ve ever heard sung by anyone. It’s hard to type with eyes full of tears but this is something special.

  • Roger Penn

    07/12/2023 at 20:27

    My choices would be for:

    Mona: Cry Baby by Janice Joplin
    Lisa: Crying by Roy Orbison

    Obviously I’m kidding. But yes, while both are amazing on their own, what’s special about them is their harmonies, synergy, and well, “when they’re together…”
    I can’t imagine wanting to take that apart.

    • Tim Arnold

      08/12/2023 at 04:41

      Roger, of course you are right. Like I said, their super power is them playing and singing together. Their harmonies are the best I’ve ever heard and they don’t always do they same harmonies. Sometimes Lisa is high and sometimes Mona is high. Sometimes one is singing lead and the other singing harmony. Sometimes they are both singing lead together. I have no doubt each one could be a star on their own but playing together I think they are the best I’ve ever heard. I like your choices too. There are several Roy Orbison songs I would love to hear them do.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    08/12/2023 at 04:29

    Mona – Everybody’s Talking

    Lisa – Vincent

    I agree, the Vincent Duo Session is one of the best performances ever. And there are also those moments in other songs when Lisa begins and Mona comes in with her perfect harmonies a few lines into the song. Vincent, Alone, and Both Sides now are fine examples of this. They give me the chills. Hang on, just a second. This is a trap, I can’t pick a favorite, I love them both equally.


    You almost had me. I was going to pick _ _ _ _

    • Tim Arnold

      08/12/2023 at 05:24

      Johnnypee, I agree with what you are saying about those songs. I love Mona singing Everybody’s Talking, never really cared for Nillson’s version much but with Mona singing it I really enjoy it. Then when Lisa joins in on the harmonies it takes it to an even higher level. Another one that fits your description is Catch The Wind. Lisa sings the first verse so beautiful and when Mona comes in on the second verse it is something special, I just close my eyes and absorb it. There’s just so many different vocal arrangements they do that are amazing. I love Mona singing the lead on Lola but when Lisa sings those really high harmonies, my god, that is superstar level stuff. I have no doubt each one would do a wonderful job as a solo artist but as a duo they are untouchable.

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