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  • Mona and Lisa, What am I Missing?

    Posted by Roger on 31/08/2019 at 15:37

    Love your guitars…can you tell from the attached photo? I was wonder how many guitars you have!!!! I wish you had the chance and time to post group shots of your “herd”! You have the most beautiful instruments…and, of course, have known how to play them well for years.

    I play, but lack precision at my age. I used to be a decent player, but at 67, I have lost some brain-finger coordination…and find myself playing an A Major when the song asks for a D Major…silly things like that.

    However, I still try to find time to play every day…some of the motivation comes from both of you! Like I said, I call the area in my pucture, the MonaLisa Twins corner.  Picture is in the following entry…



    Angelo replied 5 years ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    31/08/2019 at 15:38

    Hi Roger,

    We loved following the “guitar heaven thread” in the “general discussion” forum! Your guitar collection is astonishing! Quite different to ours but really interesting choices.

    Anyway, sorry that it took us a while to get back to your question here. We’ve been thinking if there’s a way to make your request happen but we realised that we have so many of our guitars spread across the studio, home, storage, Vienna and the UK that we can’t really get one picture with all of them. But another MLT CLub member, Angelo, recently sent us a file in which he documented all our guitars wonderfully. He collected all the pictures, specs, etc. and made a pretty comprehensive list.
    We will ask him if it’s okay to forward you his document, if you’d like to 🙂

    Hope that helps!
    Thanks and stay groovy,

  • Angelo

    31/08/2019 at 20:21

    Hello Lisa and Roger,
    Off course you can forward it. It’s all yours  but there are mistakes in it that I have corrected on the original document. I think that now with the recent informations you gave me I’ve got almost all listed. Yet I’m missing only one information and it’s the exact type of Shaded Martin guitar that Mona used during Radio apearence playing “Wake up little Susie”.


    It’s a Martin Shaded but the back is in 3 pieces wich shouldn’t be the case with a GPCPA4 Shaded, so it’s a mystery?
    I just send you with
    the big file with the latest corrections.
    With my best regards

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      02/09/2019 at 03:56

      Angelo, I hope you don’t mind that I downloaded the word doc. I looked it over and it has a lot for great details. I’ll certainly keep it as a reference.

      Thank you!

  • Angelo

    02/09/2019 at 13:25

    Help yourself, your welkome.

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