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  • Mona and the Drums!

    Posted by Edward Hamell on 19/04/2021 at 18:27

    Mona, I really enjoy your playing the drums and varied percussion instruments (and a chair!). I’m wondering how you got started playing the drums and what brand your set is. Do you miss playing drums when MLT performs live? Lastly, have you ever played another genre of music, such as jazz or classical music?”

    Thanks so much!


    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 3 months ago 6 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/04/2021 at 18:28

    Hi Ed!

    The drums were the first instrument I picked up, quite a few years before I ever touched a guitar. It started off with a family friend giving me some lessons when I was around 10 years old and I absolutely loved it – it was definitely my first passion when it comes to making music. I just soon found out that it wasn’t ideal for singing (I’d drown myself out without a microphone) so I started taking guitar lessons too. 😉

    I play a great Ludwig kit these days with mainly Zildjian cymbals but I started off learning on a super cheap £200 set which we bought from a supermarket chain back in Austria. I loved it just the same even though the cymbals were complete rubbish, objectively speaking. I couldn’t have cared less!

    To answer your second question … Both of us have occasionally helped out on percussion in some brass orchestras and marching bands that were local to where we grew up. We’ve also sang with them a few times and were part of a choir that would do everything from contemporary to more traditional songs. Oh, and we’ve definitely learned and performed a handful of classical guitar pieces over our student years!

    Jazz is something we’ve watched others play live many times but to do it on a high level, it would require a set of skills which we have never invested much time into learning. So we’d never dare jumping in with a jazz band but we like to incorporate elements from pretty much all genres into our original music.

    Thanks for the question!

  • Bill Isenberg

    23/04/2021 at 21:00

    Mona you do a great job on the drums, I started playing in a Drum and Baton corp and playing in parades and loved it a lot and got a cheap set out of a cataloge and learned to play listening to records and playing along.

  • Thomas Randall

    24/04/2021 at 01:45

    Before I picked up the drums I was enamored seeing Karen Carpenter playing her drums. She was an amazing drummer and of course IMHO the greatest female singer of all time. She didn’t care for being out front singing, she loved being behind her drums but I guess she had to do what she had to do.

    I love seeing Mona play her drums, we need to see more of that!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    29/04/2021 at 19:15

    I, too love the varied percussion instruments Mona incorporates in different vids! Wether drums, the aforementioned chair back, the awesome washboard, tambourine, shakers, etc. My absolute fave, tho is the “shipping crate” slapping in the “Paint it Black” vid. Couldn’t fit more perfectly! Also adore her one-woman-three-piece-band routine when Lisa turns her loose in the “Mercedes Benz” vid! Instant classic!

  • Jung Roe

    11/06/2021 at 06:59

    Whenever I see Mona on the drums, like in the Nowhere Man video, I can’t help but visualize this image from one of the Facebook posts a while back on Mona’s first drumming lessons!

    I bet Mona you were saying to yourself, “hey I found my calling in life, music!!!”. And you and Lisa never looked back!

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