• Mona as a drummer?

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 16/10/2018 at 13:42

    Wanted to get your opinion of Mona’s drumming. She said that they went out and got a “good drummer” for their live shows- that makes me think she has some doubts about herself as a drummer. During the 2007 concert, she sounds fine to me- a product of the less is more school of drumming taught by Ringo Starr.
    There is one pretty long drum solo- is it Ain’t No Sunshine- that’s again, fine. if she were just a drummer- I would have no complaints but neither would I rave about her drumming. Karen Carpenter played the drums and was actually pretty good. Like Mona- being a front person required that she move forward.
    What do you think of Mona as a drummer? Is she good enough as a drummer that a full time band would hire her?
    Mona has so much charisma that I think any band in their right mind should hire her!!

    Daniel Smith replied 5 years, 10 months ago 10 Members · 25 Replies
  • 25 Replies
  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 14:05

    Another good topic from you Tim. Mona handles the drumming in their studio sessions and I don’t see any issues with their studio recordings. I may not be an expert, but as they say, I know what I like!

    As for their live shows, although I’m sure Mona could more than adequately handle the drumming, why would you waste her vibrant personality hidden at the back behind a set of drums. Especially as they have an excellent drummer in the job when required.

    I also like both bass guitarists I have seen them use and between them, they provide a solid rhythm and beat for the twins to ply their trade out front. The drummer and bass player are really tight and help the twins present their Beatlesque performances.

    You seem to have a lot of time on your hands Tim!

  • Michael Rife

    16/10/2018 at 17:08

    Hi Tim;

    Are you trying to get us into trouble? I have videos where Mona played the drums and she holds her own. I started as a drummer in the mid to late 1960s…..my first set was a Black Pearl Ludwigs and now I have a couple of electronic sets. Based on that and studying drummers over the years (including Sina), I would say Mona would be able to play for several bands.


  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 17:34

    Touché Mike. I think Tim is being a little bit mischievous, just like that mischievous twin we hear about. Well I guess he does provoke debate, which is fair enough. I’m up for the challenge.

    I don’t think Mona has any doubts about her drumming. It would be difficult for any multi instrumentalists to be satisfied sticking to just one discipline and between her studio work and live shows she has a great opportunity to diversify. Her drumming ticks all the boxes for me but it would be good to see her have a bash at them in their live shows occasionally!

    • Michael Rife

      16/10/2018 at 18:32

      Yeah, I kinda figured Tim was stirring the pot to see what comes up. When it comes to drumming, it was the first instrument I learned and I played from about age 13 to 17 or 18. Then I switched to guitar. But, it seems like with the drums no matter how long I am away from them when I sit behind them it all comes back and I am able to play just like old times. I guess the secret is learning to play it young and the muscle memory always stays. For example, I had not played Vanilla Fudge’s “You Keep Me Hanging On’ for a good 45 years. I was asked to play it by one person and I remembered the whole thing. But, then I did play it every day as a practice/warm-up song from 13 to around 17. Same is true for “Ina Gadda Da Vida” and “You’ve Made Me So Very Happy”. All 3 songs were daily practice/warm-up songs for several years. But, the point I am trying to make is that if Mona learned drums when young…..from what we know she was playing them at 14…..it will likely never go away from her. Now for me the guitar is a different story….it is a life-long learning project and I will never be as good at the guitar as I am at drums even though I play guitar 99% of the time now. Mike

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 19:28

    I believe Mona would have been playing the drums from at least the age of 11 as she commenced lessons during her first year at High School and had only just turned 13 when they recorded their first public concert in 2007. Have you checked out the YouTube videos where you can find most of the concert? Well worth the look. I have ordered the double CD of the concert plus the three MLT Play Beatles and More CDs which I’m looking forward to receiving a week or so after the 28 October release date of the new material.

    How weird is it that ‘Ina Gadda Da Vida’ was supposed to be ‘In a Garden of Eden’, but the singer miss heard the lyrics when shouted out to him. Now that’s Rock ‘n Roll for you!

    Nice chatting with you.

    • Michael Rife

      16/10/2018 at 21:05

      Yeah, I heard that Garden of Eden story.  Don’t know why they didn’t change the name but it is now part of rock history.  Good chatting with you, too.  Mike

  • Timothy Connelly

    16/10/2018 at 21:58

    Being retired I do have the ability to pick and choose how I spend my time more than most. I thought it might be helpful to do a lot of posting early because from previous experience- albeit many years ago- I concluded that if we get used to checking back in and finding new posts- it greatly enhances a forum’s ability to be active and to survive. If you keep coming back to find nothing new- you tend to quit coming back.

    As this forum gets busier, my intention is to cut back but if you think I’m posting too much- I’ll start cutting back now. All of the people here are huge MLT fans and I love and respect all of you and certainly don’t want to make this about myself. It’s hard enough for me to know how I come across when I’m actually with people but in this land of the written word– I can think I’m coming across as light and funny when that might not be the case at all.

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 22:54

    And well said again Tim. As I noted earlier, you are a very wise and sensitive man (in a positive way). I have the same feelings as you about my own contributions. Always wondering if I am being too domineering or too intrusive.

    I like what you are doing in terms of keeping the Forum active and really do appreciate your contributions. You have an excellent knowledge of contemporary rock/pop history and although I consider myself to be quite knowledgeable too, there are things you are aware of that I’m not.  For example, I wasn’t aware of the Wilson sisters falling out and the circumstances that caused it. I find things like that interesting and I’m sure I’m not the only one here who does. Any of my digs are meant as harmless banter to keep the discussion interesting.

    Don’t worry Tim. I know your heart is in the right place and I’ll watch your back if you watch mine. I’d hate to think you were pulling back because of something I posted. Your posts are always considered and interesting.

  • Timothy Connelly

    17/10/2018 at 00:08

    Thanks for all that, Howard. I feel the same way about you- consider your back covered!

  • Howard

    17/10/2018 at 01:17

    The Club is new and will obviously tak a little while to settle in. However, like you, I feel there is a decent bunch of people getting connected here who could easily assist in taking some of the demands off the Wagner family so they can get on with what we all want. MLT producing more of their beautiful music. I feel this should be a site for their supporters to meet, access all the great stuff here and offer whatever support we can to the MLT family.

    I do have some thoughts I’d like to discuss with the appropriate person outside the confines of the club, but not sure how to do this. Sometimes it’s a good idea to bounce ideas off a trusted confidant before publishing. I’d be comfortable doing that with someone like you Tim, who I think has the best interests of MLT at heart.

  • Timothy Connelly

    17/10/2018 at 01:35

    I see nothing in the club rules that prevents us from communicating privately with one another so I sent you my email address. I absolutely trust everybody here but nobody else asked for it so I took it down.

  • Howard

    17/10/2018 at 01:48

    I appreciate that. I didn’t mean you had to post it here, but I guess this is as safe a place as anywhere.

  • Thomas Randall

    17/10/2018 at 14:49

    I love seeing vids of Mona drumming. We need to see more of that!  Karen Carpenter HATED singing up front, she always wanted to be behind her drum kit but at least she got to do some songs behind her drums. She was actually a superb drummer! She’s my favorite all time female vocalist. No one can match that voice and range. Mona seems very happy out front playing her guitars though.

  • Steve

    18/10/2018 at 03:06

    I understand Mona does all the drum parts on their studio recordings.  Having said that when I listen to Orange I tend to hone in on the drums and if it is in fact her playing, then I think she’s one fine drummer.   It really comes out on Club 27.  Her drum solo on Ain’t No Sunshine was very good but what I loved even more was that smile when she was finished.  God, that just melted my heart.  It seemed so sincere.

  • Rick Ross

    22/10/2018 at 19:10

    I think Mona is a more than adequate Drummer. Her drumming on Club 27 is fantastic. Would love to see her more on drums. That being said I think she really enjoys performing next to Lisa. They are Extremly close and I think that’s where they belong.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/10/2018 at 20:14

    Right on Rick ☮️????????????????❤️????????????????✌️????????????????????️????????????

  • Tom Holmes

    26/10/2018 at 21:35

    From listening to ” Orange ” I would have to say Mona is an excellent drummer.

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