• Jung Roe

    27/10/2018 at 08:09

    Mona can hold her own on the drums up against anyone, and she can play a mean Blues Harp, but she shines with her hard rocker voice.  “Revolution”, “Club 27”, “You Really Got Me”, are just examples where she just nails it!  Love the way she carries the vocal expressions in those fast songs, epitome of cool!  And of course the harmonies with Lisa is sublime.

  • Daniel Smith

    28/10/2018 at 23:56

    It seems that Mona kinda got “stuck” with the drums in their early years, which may be why Lisa is the better guitarist in the group, as she was never burdened with the drumming and could concentrate fully on the guitar.


  • Howard

    29/10/2018 at 03:38

    When the twins first commenced high School, Lisa took up guitar classes and Mona drum classes. In their second year they started attending each other’s classes as well. So naturally at their first public concert in 2007, Lisa played lead guitar while Mona switched between drums and rythm guitar.

    I did see somewhere that Lisa first expressed an interest in learning the guitar at the age of nine and they borrowed the bass guitar of a relative. I believe that Lisa could do anything she set her mind to.

    • Daniel Smith

      01/11/2018 at 19:30

      Ehhh, they didn’t offer those classes when I was in high school.  Actually, back then, most adults didn’t consider rock and roll to be serious music.  It was either considered garbage or possibly satanic.  I find it rather ironic now that many people of my generation have the same attitude about rap and current music in general.

  • Jung Roe

    29/10/2018 at 06:51

    I am not sure Mona got stuck on drums, but rather she favored the rythm side of things.  The musically talented powerhouses they both are I think they recognize each others strengths and play the instruments that make the most sense to make the best music as a duo.  Both are remarkable and accomplished guitarists. Mona on rythm and Lisa on lead.  When they are together the magic happens, much greater than the sum of their parts just like the Beatles.

  • Howard

    29/10/2018 at 07:08

    I think you are right on the money there Jung. My sentiments exactly. Not being a musician, I can only imagine the fun that could be had playing the drums. Bit of an issue when it comes to portability though. Not an issue for Mona though, she can leave hers in the studio and let their live band drummer worry about that portability thing!

    She gets to enjoy the best of both worlds, drumming and guitar playing plus the occasional harmonica and now flute playing. What next! Lisa could play the drums if she wanted to and I’m sure she has a bash at home when the mood takes her or she needs a bit of exercise!

  • Thomas Randall

    29/10/2018 at 11:06

    I was a drummer MANY, MANY years ago and hauling a drum kit around is a big pain in the you know where! I had a big kit. Mona’s kit is more movable being a smaller standard kit. Thinking back, that’s what I should have bought but I wanted lots of tom toms.

    In any case I like Mona’s drumming and always look forward to hearing more of it.


  • Steve

    30/10/2018 at 01:39

    In my opinion I think Mona is an excellent drummer and helps to carry the MLT sound.  But if you want to really hear how good she is, listen to Volume 3 with headphones and focus your attention on her work.  She does a terrific job on all the cuts where drums are used.  I think she especially shines on White Room as she injected Ginger Baker’s style into that song.   I think if you listen with headphones, Time of the Season and White Room come across as masterpieces because, at least for me, I hear specific details that don’t come through when listening through speakers and Lisa’s solo on Time of the Season is just fantastic.  But I have to say that the overall production quality of these two CD’s is as good as any other I’ve heard.  And I have to admit that I was leary when I saw they were doing White Room because I felt that might not be a good match for them but oh how wrong I was.  That is fast becoming my favorite cut on volume 3 which is saying something because I was stoked when I saw they were doing Hey Bulldog, a highly underrated song of the Beatles.  I have to say that these CD’s “Really Got Me.”

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