MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion MonaLisa Twins Their music is as beautiful as the morning dawn

  • Jung Roe

    06/01/2020 at 01:12

    MonaLisa Twins
    Their music is as beautiful as the morning dawn
    Melody moves
    Lyrics inspire
    Brilliance shine as musician, artist
    Are all at their core
    Amazing beauty, peace, and joy
    They bring into the world
    Through their music

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/01/2020 at 01:57

    Good one Jung… Now… My turn… ???

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/01/2020 at 02:06

    ” As They Are”


    Of their own and unique

    Quite unlike any other

    The moment one comes upon them however be

    It is a Lifetime Instant Gem

    To which one was ecstatic to discover

    They do Groovy

    As they dig 60s music past

    Sometimes dabbling even back further

    But the creativity enthusiasm is cast

    Meant to last

    We all have a blast

    True to themselves and sincere

    They do things their own way

    Have their say

    Show no fear

    Laughter and Smiles

    Funky Fab fashion and more

    While their superb videos in vivid detail

    Spawns Impressive galore

    Awesome merch offered in their website store

    Indeed one doesn’t need to look far

    From wherever you are

    We love Team MLT

    As they Shine Postivity Groovy Star

    As They Are…

    ©JackiHopper2020 ~

  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 03:42

    Nice one Jacki. You don’t have much to worry about as the resident MLT Bard!

  • Jung Roe

    06/01/2020 at 06:32

    Thanks Jacki! and yours is brilliant as always, thanks for sharing it here.  🙂

    One of the pleasures for me is to write something meaningful as a poem by hand, which can be a little ceremonial with ink and pen.

    MLT poem 3

    Click on the image to view in full size

  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 08:05

    Nice to see you making good use of that beautiful looking fountain pen and fresh ink Jung. I take it you don’t need a blotter these days?

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/01/2020 at 22:20

    Thanks both Howard & Jung?… That reminds me… Soon time again for more Purple Ink FP inspired drawings from me… Got to start of 2020 very Creatively… ?

  • Howard

    07/01/2020 at 00:42

    I see Jung has also inspired you to go full classic ink Jacki. Would “The Purple People Eater” be one of your favourite songs?

  • Jung Roe

    07/01/2020 at 05:25

    Modern fountain pen inks dry pretty fast so I’ve never needed to use a blotter.  Ink usually dries within 5 seconds.  But I do like the effect of a wet ink trail they leave as you write.

    Howard, Imagine a John Lennon fountain pen by Montblanc.  It comes with the Imagine 45 when you buy the pen.   The clip I believe resembles John’s Rickenbacker 325, and the nib has a peace emblem on it, among other Lennon symbols on the pen.

    John Lennon Imagine fountain pen

    Edited to add:  This isn’t my pen, I wish!  It came out as a special edition in 2015.

    I liked what they said about John Lennon in Montblancs ad on this pen.

    Montblanc celebrates the 70th Anniversary of one of the most talented artists ever to write music history. With the launch of the John Lennon Special Edition Fountain Pen, Montblanc has captured Lennon’s incredible soul and philosophy. The Liverpool-born musician achieved international recognition as a member of The Beatles performing to adoring fans all over the world. However, it was his solo work after the band dissolved which established him as a cultural icon in his own right. Not only was John Lennon admired for his music contribution, he was also considered a great thinker, an independent mind and a true visionary whose influence shaped the intellectual mood of an era. Reflecting his genius as a musician, the John Lennon Special Edition incorporates several design elements evoking the music of the 1950s and 1960s.

    The gentle grooves chiseled into the black precious resin of the barrel mimic those of a vintage vinyl record, and the platinum-finished clip is shaped like a period guitar neck complete with tuning pegs and etched strings. Hand engraved on the 18K gold nib is the iconic symbol of peace. At the focal point of the instrument, where the cap meets the barrel, a silver disk engraved with John Lennon’s self-portrait – the sketch he often scribbled in place of a signature – pays tribute to the memory of the edition’s namesake. The fountain pen is presented in an oversized box embossed with Lennon’s signature on the front. Inside you’ll find a Special Edition commemorative booklet and a custom-packaged 7″ EP record of Lennon’s performance of his song, “Imagine”. Montblanc will donate proceeds of this edition to help new generations of rising talents follow the legacy of John Lennon and support music education around the world. Bottle fill only.

  • Howard

    07/01/2020 at 11:52

    Very impressive and also very expensive, I imagine (sorry). Montblanc deserve support just for those precious words about John Lennon alone. Now if only I had a rich uncle (still alive)!

    I’d feel very special indeed with that pen and record on show at my home. A constant reminder (not that we need it), of the wonderful contribution John Lennon, and the Beatles made to making the sixties so special, in spite of all the bad things that were happening.

    I think us old farts (and I‘m not suggesting you’re one, Jung), are very fortunate indeed to have the MLT continuing John’s and the Beatles heritage of bringing a little joy and positivity through their music, to our at times, very sad world.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/01/2020 at 18:48

    Of course Howard, it is, no Purple – iac wouldn’t consider it a favourite ?

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