• Daryl Jones

    31/10/2023 at 23:10

    I’ve always enjoyed Halloween, still do. Love seeing the kids’ getup and usually decorate the outside of the house to set the mood. I’ve even gone so far as to hide outside in a ghoul or samurai costume complete with sound effects on a boom box.

    I’ve always been an Alice Cooper fan, and saw all his tour performances that came to Edmonton, although I was a tad younger in those days haha. The stage shows were always very impressive! I hope I get to see another show with Nita Straus on lead guitar, she’s amazing!

    Hope everybody has a Happy Halloween!

    • Tim Arnold

      01/11/2023 at 03:43

      Hi Daryl, I still like Halloween and seeing all the costumes and decorations but it seemed a lot more fun when I was a kid. Seemed to be a lot more trickery back then, soaping windows, toilet papering the trees and such. Many of the treats we got were homemade cookies or cupcakes or apples. Most of the costumes were homemade too. Just seemed a lot more wholesome than today.

      I’ve loved Alice Cooper since the 70’s. So glad he defeated his demons and continues to play shows and make good music. I used to listen to his radio show every night when I was working and loved listening to his stories. He is quite the musical historian and obtained most of his knowledge first hand. I love Nita Strauss too. I have a nephew who is obsessed with her and has seen her on several occasions. He bought a brand new Nita Strauss custom Ibanez and took it backstage and had it autographed. Anyway, don’t scare the kiddos too bad, Happy Halloween.

    • Tim Arnold

      01/11/2023 at 04:37

      Daryl, Have you ever watched any of these Big Rundown videos. They usually run through all the equipment the bands use on their tours. I’ve watched the one on Alice Cooper’s guitar players including Nita Strauss. Even a non-guitar guy like me finds them interesting. This is one with only Nita talking about her signature model Ibanez (the one my nephew has). It really has a great sound, perfect for A.C.’s music. She seems like a very intelligent woman and an awesome guitar player.


    • Daryl Jones

      01/11/2023 at 16:49

      I haven’t seen any of those rundowns. But I have watched several of Nita’s interviews and followed her playing career quite a bit. And yes, she is a fabulous guitarist. Plus most players of her ability and fame have heavily modified and/or factory one-offs and have a team of luthiers and techs at their immediate disposal to deal with every little whim that us mere mortals just can’t afford.
      Interesting piece of info: guitar God Joe Bonamassa actually doesn’t even own his personal guitars, he has a special holding company that owns all his gear. And as gifted and great a player as he is, he’s very adamant that effects and pedals are unnecessary to get the tones and feel he produces. Which is great… if you are Joe Bonamassa. Very few of us are or ever will be that level of expertise.
      I’ve yet to pick up an Ibanez guitar that feels “right” in my hands, but since I’m a pretty dedicated PRS fan/player, I have a very defined fit and feel for electric guitar necks and fretboards. True, PRS can be very pricy instruments, which is why I stick to the SE and S2 lineups for affordability reasons. Core models are waaaay out of my playing ability (can you say justifiable?) and price range. I also don’t care for Gibson Les Pauls or Fender Strats because of price levels on the American made models. The MIM or even Japanese Strats and Epiphones/Squires just don’t do it for me either. I also really dislike the headstock angles on the Gibson LP along with their weight. Another reason why I have a PRS Hollowbody II (the one in my video) instead of a 335 or a Gretsch. Which is also why I don’t have a Fender Tele, they are just too heavy for my liking as much as they are great instruments, I almost bought one a few years ago, but the weight killed it.
      I love the build quality and playability of my (Canadian made) Seagull acoustics and of course their price point agrees with my wallet compared to Martins and Taylors of similar build and tone quality. They are typically double what I paid for my S6 and S12 for a similar sounding and smooth, light fret action machine. But certainly the Martin and Taylor are (better) very fine guitars. My other acoustic is a Yamaha FG800, a relative bargain price (entry level actually) for a good sounding and well voiced guitar that I am not afraid to take and play anywhere, they are far better than the price would indicate.

      Boy, doesn’t take much to make me run off at the mouth does it…

    • Tim Arnold

      01/11/2023 at 22:53

      Daryl, I’m not a guitar guy at all and really don’t know much about them but I grew up with a few guitar playing brothers and can identify a lot of the popular brands and some models. I have a couple cheap acoustic guitars, a Yamaha and Oscar Schmidt and an old cheap Kay electric 6 string I mess around with. I do like listening to the pros talk about their guitars and different gear and how they use them. I would love to see Lisa and Mona do a rundown on all the beautiful guitars and other instruments they have and why they use them for certain songs.

    • Neil Baker

      04/01/2024 at 16:58

      excellent idea Tim

  • Tim Arnold

    01/11/2023 at 23:15

    Well I’m sure with the passing of Halloween this forum thread will come to a quick end but it’s been fun and maybe we can add to it next year. I know there is a lot more great spooky, eerie songs we haven’t recovered yet. Here’s a final one from me from my favorite band of all time (sorry Beatles fans), but the Twins are giving them a run for their money and actually have recorded more albums. But I have listened to CCR for 50+ years on vinyl, 8 track, cassette and cd and never get tired of their music. This is a great live video from their 1970 performance at Royal Albert Hall that got turned into their only live album.


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