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  • Music that can make you cry with joy

    Posted by Jung Roe on 05/06/2022 at 08:33

    Watching the MLT What’s On The Table I am moved and inspired to see how deeply music touches Mona and Lisa, that can make them feel like crying.

    These days music that can do that to me are MLT originals like Wide Wide Land, Close To You, June, Songbird and their covers like San Francisco, Best Years of Our Lives, Little Drummer Boy, Walking In The Air among many just to cite some specific examples, and Bach and Beethoven. When I was about 10, two songs that sent shivers down my spine and made me realize just how supremely beautiful music can be was when I sang “One Tin Soldier” by Caste, and “Blowin In The Wind” by Bob Dylan in grade 5 music class.

    I remember back in 1995 waking up early one morning during one of my road trips at a motel overlooking the Pacific ocean on the Oregon coast. I had my walkman with headphones on listening to the first movement of Beethoven’s Piano Concert No 5 while watching waves crashing against some rock, and having a nearly out of body experience. I experienced a moment of divine beauty that I will never forget.

    Songbird tugs at my heart strings almost every day these days, and I also loved that acoustic version Mona and Lisa sang at the Christmas live stream. I hope one day they will do a duo session version of Songbird too.

    What music made you cry lately?

    Diana Geertsen replied 2 years, 3 months ago 6 Members · 35 Replies
  • 35 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2022 at 08:36

    Listen to that counterpoint with the piano and violin voices! Brought tears today.

  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2022 at 09:51
  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2022 at 09:51
  • Fred van der Wees

    05/06/2022 at 15:21

    A song which always moves me, allmost into tears is from The (Dixie) Chicks, I am not a soldier not American but it still moves me.

    • Diana Geertsen

      07/06/2022 at 02:46

      Excellent choice!! I’ve got fourth row seats to see them in August. Can’t wait!

    • Fred van der Wees

      07/06/2022 at 09:46

      Hi Diana in the Netherlands we do not hear a lot about The Chicks. I have a few of the early CD’s “Wide open spaces”, “Fly” and “Home”. The first album I bought because I saw them on UK TV because they won an award. No online shops like Amamzon in those days, so I had to buy the CD via the local shop in the US. Now I listen sometimes via Deezer. I hope you enjoy the show in August (I am sure you will).

    • Jung Roe

      07/06/2022 at 05:02

      That’s beautiful and moving Fred. I feel a real heart felt honesty in the song.

  • Jürgen

    05/06/2022 at 19:17

    Hi Jung,

    another “soldier’s song”. Cheesy, sad and beautiful. I think the melody and melodramatic make this song something special. I like Mike Batt’s handwriting.

    • Jung Roe

      07/06/2022 at 05:10

      Nice one Jurgen. The song is very stirring and hauntingly beautiful.

  • Diana Geertsen

    07/06/2022 at 02:50

    Elvis’ “Don’t Cry Daddy” makes me cry. I’m very touched by the comfort that his children give him. I also love the rendition where Lisa Marie does a virtual duet with him.

  • Diana Geertsen

    07/06/2022 at 02:58

    Sorry about the quality. Hopefully it doesn’t give anyone a seizure

  • Diana Geertsen

    07/06/2022 at 03:39

    I also love Vivaldi’s Spring (2nd movement Largo)

  • Diana Geertsen

    07/06/2022 at 03:46

    One more (never trust me when I say that). KD Lang’s rendition of “Hallelujah”

  • Jung Roe

    07/06/2022 at 05:27

    Wow Diana! These 3 just filled me with emotions. That first one “Don’t Cry Daddy” sang by Lisa Marie for her dad is so heartwarming. I never saw Elvis from that perspective before as a parent.

    These are all so moving, if you don’t feel something from these, you might want to check yourself for a pulse.

  • Diana Geertsen

    07/06/2022 at 05:27

    Here’s another song from The Chicks

  • Jung Roe

    08/06/2022 at 06:29

    Another beautiful one Diana. Does The Chicks have any relation to the The Dixie Chicks?

    Here is one of my favourite Carpenters songs. It always makes me feel a lot of emotions and raises those goosebumps, I don’t know exactly why. Maybe it’s because it does “melt the years away” and takes me back to my childhood in my room with my transistor radio listening to all those awesome songs on the AM stations. I still have the original vinyl “Carpenters, The Singles 1969-1973”.

    • Fred van der Wees

      08/06/2022 at 10:54

      Hi Jung, the The Dixie Chicks and The Chicks are the same band. They changed the name in june 2020; Dixie is too much associated with slavery.

    • Jung Roe

      10/06/2022 at 05:23

      Hi Fred, thanks. When I heard Chicks, I immediately thought of Dixie Chicks, but then the name was different. They go way back, I remember hearing their songs back in the 90s.

    • Diana Geertsen

      16/06/2022 at 05:53

      Hello Jung,

      Sorry it took so long to reply (I haven’t been on the club website much lately). I feel the same way about the Carpenters and listened to the same singles album over and over again. My first 45 record was “Please Mr. Postman”. Karen’s favorite song was “I Need To Be In Love”. I attached a Japanese girl singing this song in front of Richard. It is very touching. She sounds eerily like Karen. I’m glad someone clarified your “Chicks” question. There are also several Civil War statues being torn down.

    • Jung Roe

      16/06/2022 at 06:57

      Hi Diana,

      That is amazing how one moment she is speaking Japanese, and the the next she is singling and sounding so much like Karen Carpenter. Really underscores how music is the international language that can wipe away the boundaries that divide us. It looks like afterwards she was so moved to be able to sing that for Richard Carpenter. Karen was amazing, thanks for sharing this.

  • Jung Roe

    08/06/2022 at 06:52

    One of the most beautiful pieces by Bach that can make you cry, and he kept this movement short around 3 minutes just like those great 60s Beatles and Beach Boys tunes.

  • Jung Roe

    08/06/2022 at 07:31

    I find these harmonies so moving. There is a rawness to Brian’s vocals that evokes much emotions. It really captures the pain of breaking up and losing someone. If any Beach Boys song could make me cry, it would be this one for me.

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/06/2022 at 17:43

    Well, many songs have that affect on me… too many to list and post YT links of but trust me , they do , songs sung by of course MLT, Patsy Cline, Reba, Vince, Dusty Springfield, Kd Lang, etc , can stirrup tears for me, I feel it’s the combo intertwining of lyrics, the vocal delivery/interpretation, the instrumentation, etc, is what does it for me … I’m a sensitive, emotional, visual person so all the facets I just mentioned above, is the recipe for tears to my eyes in a song I listen to, if it can immediately strike a chord with me , then it’s successful at doing what it is meant to do … We all are receptive, and react differently in our own ways to a song, there is no right or wrong in how it should be received, what matters most is how it affects a person directly …. Yes , while some songs have an intended meaning to convey, etc, it can still be interpretated differently by the listener because to them, it means something different, something beyond what the intended meaning of song is about… within the song, it strikes a chord, for every song, there is something that someone will be affected by it somehow … ☮????

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