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  • My families of light in Sunny California.

    Posted by Kenneth Emmons on 03/05/2020 at 21:41

    Hi from my family and my extended families;
    Music is part of my pleasure in  life…even mostly retired. I get my musical talents from my Austrian great Grandfather and Grandfather on my Mother’s side. I’ve also mastered well the Earth Sciences, and have developed further, an applied degree in Electronics Engineering. I have a strong interest in Inter-cultural history with languages and how they all interlink – over time.

    And all this is unified by a spirituality that works, and is practical, applied, and able to make sense out of life and what it really is for. So Intelligence yea, but 90 percent commitment and perseverance for 47 years, and failing much, til’ later in life, am now satisfied with the hard earned positive results.

    Hearing songs from all around the nations, is my most fluid pleasure and it does some re-ordering for my heart and mind.

    Rudolf Wagner replied 4 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    03/05/2020 at 23:17

    Welcome to the MLT Club Kenneth!  Glad you joined and enjoyed reading what you said.  My background is in electronics engineering too, on the telecom side.  For me, music grounds me and gives me the balance I need in my life.

  • Jacki Hopper

    04/05/2020 at 01:56

    Hi there Kenneth nice to meet you, interesting intro about yourself. Enjoyed reading it, and welcome to MLT Club, you’re going to get truly MLTBuzzedGroovied, and are now a bonafide MLTBuzzGrooviac…looking forward to your postings!!✌

  • Howard

    04/05/2020 at 05:43

    Hi Kenneth. Nice to have you as a fellow member of this illustrious club. It sounds like you have much in the way of knowledge and life experience to make a positive contribution. The beautiful music of the MLT unites us all.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    08/05/2020 at 22:16

    Hi Kenneth,

    It is great to meet you here and to learn of your many interests in life. Thumbs up for the Austrian grandparents 😉 We thank you for the thoughtful introduction and the many interesting comments and forum posts you already left here.

    I think you meant to reply to some of the greetings in the Club but accidentally replied to the notification emails instead of posting them here in this thread. We found your email replies in our club email inbox. If you want the others to read your answers please make sure to post the replies directly in the forum instead of replying to the notification emails. We hope that makes sense!

    Anyway, again thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself. We hope you’ll enjoy your time here in the Club. If you ever need help with anything, please let us know ♥

    Peace & Love,

    Mona & Lisa

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