• Jacki Hopper

    31/08/2019 at 21:14

    Hi again Dale, I enjoyed reading your more in depth intro…. One thing is for sure… However we all stumbled upon MLT, it was the best thing and an awesome Groovy MLTBuzzing Kinship has transpired as a result… I became a lifetime fan 10-12yrs ago when I stumbled quite unexpectedly but pleasantly impressed by their “California Dreamin’ cover as I was looking for a decent cover…. And the rest they say is history…. They do inspire, inject Postivity, appeals to all ages, Creatively gifted… And have breathed fresh music air into our ears…. ?

  • David Herrick

    02/09/2019 at 01:25

    I’m not sure if I have enough seniority yet to be part of the welcoming committee, but… welcome, Dale!

    I just discovered MLT this past April exactly as you did, and after a couple of weeks I joined the club because I needed to talk with someone, as I phrased it in my introductory post, “to help me manage the euphoria”.

    You won’t be disappointed.  We have all kinds of specialists here:  artists, guitar nerds, music historians, etc.  So no matter what you would like to share, you’ll find someone to engage with.

    Be sure to check out the older posts in the forums, too.  It’s hours of (mostly) enthralling reading!


  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 02:57

    We’re a team of equals in Club MLT David. The more that offer welcomes, the merrier. I’m sure Mona and Lisa wouldn’t want it any other way. You have come up to speed with the value of this club and the various talents and knowledge on offer very quickly.

    Your ‘euphoria’ is an emotion I can share regarding when I first ‘discovered’ the MLT about a year ago now. I especially share your sentiments regarding “Sweet Lorraine” and Monty Python. Yes, there are many kindred spirits in this Club.

    I strongly suggest (if you haven’t already), new (and older) members check out the INFO page and recommend they also “Enter your date of birth for a special surprise from us on the day!”

    There is also the “Search Forums” option which is an excellent tool for finding useful information in what is now a considerable database of collective knowledge and technical details.

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