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  • My little MLTs guitar collection

    Posted by Angelo on 28/12/2021 at 17:47

    Hello everyone, contaminated by the minimalism virus, I decided to resell my collection of guitars similar to those of the twin sisters soon (probably on ebay or on it’s not decided yet). Thinking of this and seeing on youtube “The Beatles: Get Back – A Sneak Peek from Peter Jackson” I thought it would be fun and interesting to present the guitars in a similar way (on the sofa). Of course, I am much more careful and meticulous with the instruments than his team and only present 4 guitars at a time. I thought it might interest fans and especially guitar lovers among you. This is only a very small part of the guitars that MLTs have, but fairly representative of their early days at least. I do not present here, for example, the different George Harrison’s Gretsches that Lisa occasionally uses.

    I leave it to you to link each type of guitar to the corresponding video.

    If you find this a good idea, I could show some more gear (guitars, pedals, books, amplifiers, ukulele..) Just let me know.

    Angelo replied 2 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Dan

    28/12/2021 at 21:27

    Lovely collection! Wondering what your personal observations are on the difference between the J-160E and the EJ-160E…is the Gibson price tag worth it?

  • Angelo

    29/12/2021 at 16:41

    Thanks Dan, it’s a difficult question to answer. It depends, your preference, your budget… to be honest, I’m not a big fan of cutaway guitars. Without amplification the sound is so poor compared to the full body ones. With amplification it depends of the microphone you use. My personal observation, as they are with or without amplification the Epiphone sounds better to me but the Gibson seems to be a more sturdy, well bilt, valuable instrument. Actually you’d better ask Mona’s opinion about it.

  • Jung Roe

    30/12/2021 at 04:58

    Hi Angelo, an impressive collection of guitars there, especially having many of the models Mona and Lisa have.???? I know what it is like when the minimalism bug comes knocking. So far my 50+ collection of fountain pens have remained intact, but I think of selling them sometimes to consolidate my collection down to a single or a handful of mother of all pens holy grail pieces, that I can spend more time with each. I worry after I consolidate I will start missing some of my old pens, and end up acquiring them all back again! ???? Thanks for sharing pics of your beautiful collection of guitars with us.

    In the lower row centre photo, I hope you never get rid of the Gretsch Duo Jet and Rickenbacker 350v63. Those two have appeared on so many live videos including most of the Cavern Club live shows.

    In the lower row right photo we have the guitar used by Mona in “Waiting for The Waiter”, and the little black and white one very young Lisa used in “Samba Pa Ti” and throughout in their 2007 concert videos.

    The acoustics are a little harder for me, they all kind of look similar. I see the John Lennon Epiphone EJ160e in the top row right which is Mona’s sentimental favourite used in many of their earlier live gigs. You can’t get rid of that one. ????

    In the lower row left photo I see black guitar Mona used in “Baby Mine” and “I’m Looking Through You”. I also see the Gretsch White Falcon Lisa used in I Bought Myself a Politician.

    In this picture I thought Lisa had a second black Gretsch she often used in her live shows until she said it was just her Duo Jet with the pick guard removed.

    Our beautiful Guitar Heroes:✨????

  • Angelo

    30/12/2021 at 13:01

    Woaw Jung, always present and coming with pretty smart and fair coments. For a fountain pen enthusiast you have got pretty sharp eyes and fair knowledge of guitars. One little mistake though, you have taken the White Epiphone Casino “John Lennon” for the Gretsch White Falcon. Lisa having taken off the pick guard on her Gretsch it’s true that they look close to each other. Do not worry for the minimalism virus, you don’t need it. Stocking 30 pens take much less space than stocking 30 guitars. Then if you want to concentrate on your essential it’s a good idea to.

  • Angelo

    06/01/2022 at 12:05

    Here we go, I made up my mind and decided at the start of the year to sell the guitars in chronological order. I placed the first ad for the first guitar Lisa received a long time ago now. The copy of a Stratocaster, Golden Ton brand.

    Here is the link for the announcement.

  • Angelo

    11/01/2022 at 05:48

    Finally I changed my mind, in view of the lack of interest in this post, I will keep all the characteristic guitars of the MLTs and only sell those related to the Beatles. But for those there is no reason to clutter this forum. Best wishes to all members.

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