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  • My shopping cart keeps on being filled

    Posted by Leif Mortensen on 18/10/2022 at 12:01

    Normally if you buy things in other “shops” your shoping cart will be emptied when you go to the buying field and go through with the order. That doesn’t happen on the MLT site, and because of that I’ve come to place two orders:

    order 182217 was placed on 02/10/2022 to be cancelled
    order 184898 was placed on 14/10/2022 to be delivered

    Is it possible for you to make my wish come through like dibed. I’ve also written to Michaela about this.

    And then fix the error with the shopping cart.

    Kind regards

    Leif Mortensen

    Leif Mortensen replied 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/10/2022 at 20:41

    Hi Leif,

    Thanks a lot for letting us know about this. We just refunded order 182217 to you!

    Both parcels already got dispatched so they are on their way to you right now. However, if you only pay the custom fees for one of the deliveries the other one will get sent back to us automatically. You can also keep both and give the extra CD and calendar to someone you know, perhaps it will make a nice Christmas gift for someone. 🙂

    We are currently looking into the issue with the shopping cart. We heard of a case where it got emptied right after the purchase and got refilled again after some time, did that happen in your case? Or did the cart just stay filled after the order was completed? It might have something to do with caching or cookies and some wrong settings on our website so we’ll try to fix it asap. Papa Rudi is looking into it right now.

    Sorry for the hassle and thanks for the order!
    Team MLT

  • Leif Mortensen

    26/10/2022 at 12:23


    First thank you for the nice answer. I didn’t know you had already sent the parcels. I will pay the extra customs and give cd and calender to my daughters daughter. About the shopping cart. I don’t know really. In my mind it disappeared after my buy at the second of October BUT reappeared when I logged on a week or so later. Saw it and didn’t react to this until a week later where I reacted by placing the order – again. Then I wondered if I had ordered once before – and I had unfortunately. Hope it gives some meaning. Must be something about connecting the shopping cart to the final order payment which should give a feed back to the cart to empty it.

    Many kind regards from your Danish nisse.

    Leif Hoergren Mortensen

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