• Joseph Manzi

    19/08/2020 at 16:48

    The original Memo from  Turner

    It’s strange!  You Tube let’s me do some and won’t on others. Went on web for solution and that works most of the time. But this song which is rare will not. You probably know did the Stones ever release the original on Turner. I know it was on metamorphosis but a milder version.

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 17:03

    A great Jagger/Richards composition with excellent Slide guitar work from Ry Cooder. Performance was the movie that drove Keith Richards to writing what I think was the Stones most powerful song “Gimme Shelter”.


  • Joseph Manzi

    19/08/2020 at 17:34



    • Joseph Manzi

      19/08/2020 at 17:58

      I agree with you on Gimme Shelter and a close second in my head would Sympathy for The Devil from that era.  Salt of the Earth another good one. I had to look this up Merry Clayton most powerful backing vocals on Shelter. Thanks again..

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 17:38

    Joe, you just picked another link that gives me the unavailable message. I hope you could open mine. It’s very late Downunder and my very sensible cat has been asleep on my bed for hours. Time for me to nod off too.

    Good night!

  • Joseph Manzi

    19/08/2020 at 17:40



  • Joseph Manzi

    19/08/2020 at 17:42

    Get some sleep Howard. Be Good.


    I just saw link, Thanks it works. Great Song




  • Jung Roe

    20/08/2020 at 00:49

    Lot’s of great music selections presented here, one could spend all afternoon indulging!

    Joe, some wonderful Kinks videos, and that Addams Family video with Wednesday dancing to the Ramones is funny and great!

    Jacki, nice selections of the Canadian songs.  I’m surprised with a darker tune you like in that Where Evil Grows.  Both Poppy Family songs are very nice.  And a nice country selection there David!

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/08/2020 at 03:04

    Jung…let me clarify…I never liked “Where Evil Grows” song as a kid, it freaked me out, the way it sounded, I didn’t  fully grasp lyrics either.  It was eerie sounding to me…but now that I am the age that I be, I ‘ve done  a 180 or 360,  ( whichever the term goes) in regards to it, and rather like the funky and lyrics… but it’s  still a great Canadian group and Susan Jacks I think, still performs and Terry too..they were married I love her solo stuff and of course Terry’s solo hit  ” Seasons In the Sun”… I ‘ve always loved ” Which Way You Going Billy” during their Poppy Family days ….

  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 03:20

    Hi Jacki. I think you mean a 180. If you did a 360 you’d be in the same position you started. A bit like a back flip!

  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 05:29

    Joe, “Beggars Banquet” was an excellent album and the first of the Stones big five for most Rolling Stones nuts. I still remember that afternoon I wagged school Back in 1968 and listened to it for the first time on headphones at a record bar. The first track, “Sympathy For The Devil”, was so completely different from anything I had heard from them in the past that I wasn’t sure what to think of it on first hearing. It grew on me and became a favourite at parties.

    As for the second side, I was completely blown away by the sheer power and energy of “Street Fighting Man” on first hearing it. I was also surprised later when I realised that the guitar work was acoustic and Keith got the sound by playing his guitar through a cassette recorder and amplifying the sound. The other albums in order are “Let It Bleed”, “Get Yer, Ya, Yas Out”, “Sticky Fingers” (I had the original with the zipper that opened on the cover) and “Exile On Main St.”.

    Just note Keith’s acoustic guitar chords through the right track before Charlie’s drum beat kicks in from the left. Brilliant!


  • Jung Roe

    20/08/2020 at 07:45

    I had to put the head phones on, but I can hear what you mean Howard.  Great guitar lead in at the start and the drums come in and they play off each other wonderfully.  Can hear the bass line playing throughout nicely.

  • Joseph Manzi

    20/08/2020 at 15:03

    Howard,  I agree Beggars Banquet is a special album by the Stones. It equivalent to the Beatles Yesterday & Today, Rubber Soul and Revolver. It took the Stones  in a new direction and they made some great music after that.  Let it Bleed and Sticky Fingers also great.  I still have my album with the zipper. It funny!  I myself was not that big on Exile on Main Street. I like some of the stuff Tumbling dice and Keith song Happy. What can I say. .

    That was interesting what Keith did. Record on cassette and amplifying it. Back in the 60’s you did what you had to do. To get the effect. George Martin handled the Beatles.  Kit Lambert The Who. Who handle the Stones?  With the technology of today they can do almost anything now.

    Also on Beggars I love Salt of the Earth,Parachute Woman and Stray Cat Blues.


    Also thanks for the info on the MLT. I have a lot of catching up to do. A lot of listening and reading. Hey a little each day. I am heading into New York today to visit some friends. So I will have to start tomorrow.


  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 16:49

    Joe, I agree with you about “Exile On Main St”. I liked the album but couldn’t understand how so many critics at the time rated it their best. There’s a few I’d rate above it. Their long time engineer was Glyn Johns and their producer from “Beggars Banquet” through to “Goats Head Soup.”, was Jimmy Miller.

    As well as “Tumbling Dice” and “Happy”, I think the best tracks are “Rocks Off”, “Sweet Virginia” and  “All Down the Line”.  If they made a single album instead of a double, it would have been Truly one of their greats.

  • Bill Isenberg

    22/08/2020 at 13:39

    My song of the day is Pretty Flamingo, first song I had on my mind when I got up today.

  • Jung Roe

    05/09/2020 at 11:08

    This is what I use to do every morning before the pandemic.


    The song and the video is ultra cool.  For all the aviation lovers here.

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