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  • need everyone’s feed back.

    Posted by John Grant on 04/09/2023 at 21:05

    so let me start with if I can get Mona and Lisa and the whole crew to come to Dixon IL. for a private show that is supported by our town and maybe sponsored by a company for a fund raiser for our historical 900 seat theater how many of you guys would come , i have the city interested and have summitted the paperwork for my employer non-profit support Department please pass this along to whoever helps the girls out. my employer is an international 500 company.

    Daryl Jones replied 12 months ago 14 Members · 33 Replies
  • 33 Replies
  • Eric Reniers

    04/09/2023 at 21:20

    What a great idea John, I sure hope it is going to work !!! Its far to far away for me, but I hope lots of fans will show up if it is to happen!!!

    • John Grant

      04/09/2023 at 21:53

      i was thinking and looking at the map that we are almost in the middle so it’s doable if giving enough time ahead to plan a getaway or part of a vacation.

  • Jacki Hopper

    04/09/2023 at 21:29

    Hi there…what a an interesting notion…

    But not too sure if it could happen… ( you never know ) , but I’m not sure if they( Team MLT ) would need to obtain special VISA requirements/criteria ,etc to come to USA , or to Canada, or anywhere in North America to perform, and what else would be required…

    We All share in the dream of seeing MLT live , on a world gig tour ( some lucky MLT Clubbers have had the pleasure of being able to see them) but hoping one day , All can see them …

    I hope you could make this happen but I think they are more focused at the moment on doing other projects, and perhaps will consider gigging abroad, when they feel it’s time for it, I know I’m hoping they can do a Canadian tour at some point and come to my area …

    I wish you luck on/in pursuing this further…Never say Never…but just not sure if they can at /for time being, 😎☮️

    • John Grant

      04/09/2023 at 21:58

      hi, that’s why I’m trying to cover all the bases and getting a sponsor. it would be great if they could plan like a long weekend, shoot over, and see everybody might led to them planning something better in the future.

  • Walter Music

    04/09/2023 at 23:40

    Hi John, I would be in without hesitating!!! I would guess that they have projects, probably on the calendar for 6 months and they would have to practice the songs that they played at the Cavern Club and others. It’s a great idea, let’s see what Mona and Lisa has to say. Mona and Lisa, what do you think? Stay Groovy everyone.

    • John Grant

      05/09/2023 at 15:37

      im trying to see about summer of 2024 or spring of 2025, please pass this along to everybody you know too

  • Tim Arnold

    05/09/2023 at 02:29

    I think it would take some $ to make it happen. Probably depends on what you are looking for, Two girls and two acoustic guitars or a four piece band with great sound. May want to post the idea to the various MLT fan clubs as there are thousands of members there. It’s only a 4 hour drive for me so I would definitely be there. I know it would sound great in a small auditorium. Good luck John.

    • John Grant

      05/09/2023 at 15:40

      i wrote up my proposal as a band if they just want to shoot over to play just them ill rewrite it

    • Tim Arnold

      05/09/2023 at 17:48

      Hi John, I’m just thinking out loud here but if you sold 900 seats at say $100 per ticket, that’s a pretty good chunk of change. Maybe charge a little more for VIP or backstage access. I am happy to watch them in the Club for $13 a month but I sure would love to hear them live and getting to meet them would be a dream come true. It sounds exciting, good luck John.

    • David Herrick

      05/09/2023 at 20:00

      A couple hundred dollars, plus travel and lodging, would certainly fall within my vacation budget. It would be a twelve-hour drive for me each way, but if the show were on a Saturday evening I could be there without having to make excuses for missing work.

      An extended tour of North America might not make sense logistically, given the size of the territory and the ratio of MLT fans to the total population. But just a single centrally located show should pack a medium-sized venue, and give us club members a chance to meet not only Mona and Lisa but also each other. It would be a sacred pilgrimage!

    • Tim Arnold

      07/09/2023 at 00:03

      Yes David, that’s exactly how I was thinking. A one time show or if it works out, maybe a yearly thing. Ok that’s getting ahead of things but I think it could work. I’m sure it would be very costly to bring a full band over for one show but I would be happy with just Mona and Lisa doing some live Duo Sessions in a small auditorium. Maybe Rudi would bring his bass and a keyboard and Michaela bring a sax and well, okay I’m just dreaming out loud. Maybe summertime or spring break would work better for the teachers in the club. I just hope it happens at some point.

    • Steve Kirk

      07/09/2023 at 17:48

      Hi Tim. I really think it’s what most MLT members want. It’s 7 years since the Cavern and I would imagine almost all the members in the club have never seen them live. It would be nice to see some NEW live stuff. Film it and show it for the next 7 years! 🙂

  • Diana Geertsen

    05/09/2023 at 07:47

    If you can get them to come, I will gladly donate $10K and of course be there

    • John Grant

      05/09/2023 at 15:42

      that’s great news, and it will help too if I had some sort of dollar figure to show to help support the ideal, keep your fingers crossed

  • Chris Weber

    06/09/2023 at 03:56

    I would definitely show up for that.

    I do recall Adele at her Tiny Desk Concert joking about getting a visa…

  • Stephen Krogh

    07/09/2023 at 19:51

    I’ve been dreaming of a live MLT concert for years now. A US venue would be awesome but I would be willing to travel from Idaho to Liverpool if they organized a full production. Club members could purchase VIP tickets that included a private reception the day following the performance. I would be willing to spend up to $2,000/ ticket for this dream to come true. (One condition though, Rudi needs to bring his new Leslie organ to the concert.)

    • John Grant

      12/09/2023 at 04:39

      my sponsor and the city/theater would help with cost ,we had Mumford and sons out here in Dixon right before they hit it big in the states so maybe lighting does struck twice, everyone walked away Happy

  • Steve Kirk

    07/09/2023 at 19:59

    This is starting to have echo’s of Sid Bernstein in 1976!

    • Stephen Krogh

      07/09/2023 at 20:26

      But Steve, the Beatles turned Berstein’s offer down -MLT might go for it if Club Members made it worth their while.

  • Steve Kirk

    07/09/2023 at 21:22

    Think they’d do it for half what Sid offered?

    • Stephen Krogh

      07/09/2023 at 21:54

      $250 million? LOL, but it might be worth their while for $250k? That’s 500 tickets at $500 each.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/09/2023 at 21:49

    I’d love to see them play in Canada, I live a hop/skip/away from a concert /theatre venue that would be perfect… You’ve given me inspiration to find info and send onwards to Team MLT for possible future consideration for venues in my city to have them come and play at…. Thankyou for the inspiration….

    • John Grant

      12/09/2023 at 04:25

      you are welcome ,see if we all pitch in and show them they have the fans to help pull this off in a few different areas it might help

  • Steve Kirk

    07/09/2023 at 22:30

    Is this serious? 500$ a ticket?!! 😧 They’ve not played together in 7 years does that not encourage a discount?

  • Johnnypee Parker

    08/09/2023 at 01:41

    Haven’t you always wanted a monkey?

    My dream concert. It took me four days to hitchhike from Lovely Leeds, and I’ve come to look for the MonaLisa Twins…damn too many syllables. Wait, I’ve come to look for the Wagner Clan.

    Count us in!

    Marlo & JP

    Seriously though, there is a sign at our town’s border that says Welcome To Lovely Leeds.

  • Jung Roe

    10/09/2023 at 19:26

    I’d go to the ends of the earth to see Mona and Lisa play live and to meet them, but ultimately what is best for their new music right now, creativity, longevity, and expanding their audience base is the priority, and I wouldn’t want them to sacrifice any of that for a single show for the sake of some fans. In the past perhaps live performance was more critical for fan engagement and creating strong connection with fans, but with social media like Youtube and the MLT Club, and how present and active they are online, I think MLT has built a strong platform for fan engagement.

    I can’t speak on their behalf but from what I’ve seen so far, I think MLTs vision since 2017 has been focusing on recording and social media that allows them to consistently release new music and engage with their audience online, helping them grow creatively and reach a much wider audience than doing endless small shows.

    If going to the US to do one show is something MLT wants to do, I am all for it, and I will be the first in line, but if the logistics (not talking about just cost) and time away to prepare, practice is a distraction to their current project and plans, I would rather wait until the time is ripe for them to do a big tour. When it comes to art and music, these things must unfold in their own time.

    • Chris Weber

      10/09/2023 at 23:06


      They are running a startup company, with all the risks that entails. They have a plan. I don’t know what their plan is, but whatever it is, I support it.

    • John Grant

      12/09/2023 at 04:33

      i agree with the thought of a start up company but even that sometimes need to go out and see if the product is good by testing it to a wider field, let this be the test run

    • John Grant

      12/09/2023 at 04:27

      I’m thinking that it will help bring in new fans cause the show in Dixon would be a free fund raiser for the theater and who wouldn’t want to see and hear a free concert

    • Daryl Jones

      26/09/2023 at 21:52

      Totally agree Jung. It’s a huge undertaking to do an across the pond gig, or a tour of any kind. Much as I’d love to be “second” in line haha.
      Things need to unfold in the natural order for them. When it does happen (and I’m sure it will one day) you can be sure that any of us that can will be there with bells on!

  • Dave Johnston

    10/09/2023 at 20:36

    Jung…I agree with your sentiment 100%. Of course I’d be all in but my guess is they aren’t ready to go on the road at this time.

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/09/2023 at 01:43

    I echo Jung ‘s sentiments …. I sort of said similarly in my own reply to this posting a few days ago .. . The music creating, etc. I believe is their main focus for time being and whenever it will feel right for them to do touring gigs Globally, that will be when it will be /feel right for them to do so … Again…hoping All of at some point, somewheres will see them live and have a awesome Bonafide #MLTBUZZLUVGROOVIFIED Meet n Greet with them and MLT Clubbers/Fans … 😊🤘🏻🫶☮️

    • John Grant

      12/09/2023 at 04:30

      again im not saying a cross country tour just a toe in the water to test the water and see how things pan out after the show with new fans

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