• New Age music

    Posted by Peter White on 23/12/2023 at 19:35

    Apropos of nothing, I was playing a New Age disc yesterday as a respite from all the Christmas Music. Paul Horn, flutist. I think the Twins were probably 8-10 when New Age peaked and of course they would have been starting to get into the Beatles and similar sounds. Horn had a song which received frequent airplay: “Earth Song”. It’s on YT but sometimes hard to find. He loved recording in huge spaces and I think (but am not 100% positive) that he did an album which was officially, or un-, titled ‘Songs from the Cistern Chapel’. this was not something next to a house to catch rainwater. Picture a giant hatbox on the ground, not up on stilts, maybe 80 feet high and 300 across, a municipal water supply. One was disused and he set up in it. He said he loved the ‘decay’. For those not entirely certain, we have ‘attack’ and ‘decay’. Think striking a piano key and then letting the sound fade, like the Twins’ handheld metal chime thing. He said the decay in that place was like three hours. You could blow a note and eat lunch waiting for it to end. So an interesting sound for the sometimes unassuming flute. Be nice if some New Age would return a little bit.

    Daryl Jones replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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