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  • No More Worries Company – inspiration

    Posted by Jung Roe on 17/02/2019 at 11:51

     “…you wanna know the meaning of life at last…..pass it on to the no more worries company.  Don’t trouble yourself…”

    No More Worries Company is such a brilliant song, about shedding yourself of worries over things you have no or little control of and just dealing with the challenges at hand you can control.  It certainly will make your life easier, healthier and more effective. Worry like fear is really a product of our imagination causing us to fear things that don’t really exist. Danger and life’s challenges are very real, but fear and worry is a choice. Thanks Mona and Lisa for this inspiration in your music. Many a times on the train to work I listened to this part of the album, and my anxiety goes away.

    I love Orange, because aside from the awesome music, it is so positive, and makes me feel better when I listen to it. A true ray of sunshine and positive impact on our lives you bring to your fans through your music.

    Mona and Lisa on brick fence


    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Howard

    18/02/2019 at 07:49

    Exactly Jung. They are that ‘true ray of sunshine’ in our sometimes very ordinary lives and provide the positive ‘orange’ sweetness to balance the negative ‘clockwork’ in our lives.

    I understand Papa Rudi wrote this for his own band and modified it for MLT. I guess it would have come from his own desires to escape the clockwork of corporate existence and go it alone. Something he has managed to achieve through his adorable and equally talented daughters.

    We are so fortunate in having Mr Wagner’s talent and creativeness as the genesis of this extraodinary journey we are all now a part of!

  • Jung Roe

    19/02/2019 at 04:54

    Yes Howard, that talent certainly must run in the family.  There is that english phrase, a “chip off the old block”, but in the case of Mona and Lisa, they are solid golden nuggets, of which Papa Rudi must be incredibly proud.  🙂



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