• Nothing Is In Vain

    Posted by Jung Roe on 25/02/2019 at 19:35

    Was listening to “Nothing Is In Vain” on the way into work this morning. This song is always uplifting whenever I hear it and the melody lingers long in my mind for some reason, and it reminds me a little of the Beatles “A Day In the Life” for me. It is arguably one of MLTs more complex and epic songs like “Once Upon a Time” I think, and is the finale song on the When We’re Together album just like A Day in the Life is the finale track on Sargent Peppers, and has a kind of orchestral crescendo ending (the light bulb scene at the end of the video) like in “A Day in the Life”. Now I’m not saying MLT intended this song to have any parallels to that Beatles classic, but it’s just the effect it has on me. The melody has a kind of a mysterious and enlightening mood too that I feel when I listen to A Day in the Life, but the lyrics in “Nothing Is In Vain” are brighter and hopeful.

    I also really like and find interesting the beginning of the song where it leads in with an off tune guitar riff that eventually snaps back into tune, and I think that adds a lot to the feel and character of the song. In one of the threads in the Ask the MonaLisa Twins subforum about a “Framus 12 String”, Lisa mentioned they used a Framus 12 String with a trem bar to get this effect in the song, so it was intentional.
    Lisa Said:

    “… it is perfect for adding some great and totally unique effects Like the intro to “Nothing Is in Vain” for example”. 

    There is a famous classical symphony that starts off with a similar off tune effect.

    Would be interested in others thoughts and observations here on this magnificent epic song Nothing Is In Vain.

    For your enjoyment here are both songs to indulge yourself in, and hope you find a similar experience as mine.





    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Howard

    26/02/2019 at 03:56

    Yes Jung, wonderful watching the Twins floating through space and going down the drain. I wonder how they manage to keep their eyes open under water, especially chlorinated pool water. I’m a swimmer, but can’t swim without goggles. I have the same issue in the surf. I wonder if contact lenses are involved. Wouldn’t know myself as I’ve never worn them. I also wonder who came up with that fish idea. Just where do they pull these ‘out there’ ideas from! If members haven’t already, I recommend watching the behind the scenes video of this song.

    It is definitely a highlight of the “When We’re Together” album, of which there are many highlights. I especially love listening to this song while watching the amazing video.

    As for “A Day In the Life”, it’s unbelievable how well it stands up over 50 years later, considering the incredible improvement in recording technology over that time.

    Now Jung, as for that “famous classical symphony that starts off with a similar off tune effect”, are you going to enlighten us further? Not Beethoven by any chance!


  • Jung Roe

    26/02/2019 at 06:45

    Howard, I would think Mona and Lisa are both very good pro swimmers by how comfortable they look doing those under water scenes in the video.  Is there anything they are not good at doing 🙂 .  Will have to check that making of video as they talk about the fish and how impulsive an idea it was.  I believe they gave the 2 giant gold fish a nice home in the stream around their place.  A lot of ingenuity and video editing/production skill went into creating this impressive video for sure.  One of their best.

    A Day in the Life is one of my fave Beatles songs next to “Let It Be”.  Rolling Stones Magazine elevated “A Day In the Life” to the “best Beatles” song stature, above even “Hey Jude”.  The fact it is a true John Lennon and Paul McCartney collaboration effort with John coming up with the original first half of the song and Paul helping and adding the ending is that much more special.  That song has a certain mysterious mood that I get when I hear it, and I feel the same thing when I hear “Nothing Is In Vain” too.  Maybe that dreamy melody with the voices sounding like they are in a distance.  I can’t seem to quite put my finger on it.  I feel like I’m floating when I hear them.

    I am trying to remember that symphony with the odd intro effect.  It’s not a Beethoven one.  Soon as I remember, will mention it here.


  • Howard

    26/02/2019 at 07:08

    You are right about Mona and Lisa being good at so many things. I was going to ask them if they managed to perfect how to ride a surfboard while living in Adelaide. Their last video shows them carrying surfboards on the beach. I know they managed to make time for ice skating, of all things while in hot Adelaide and also would have spent much time busking in the Mall. It seems they got into the Aussie habit of mucking up in music classes too, something I’m sure they wouldn’t have been guilty of in Austria. But then again, you never know with these twins. I never thought I’d see Mona poking her tongue out at the camera, even at the tender age of 15! I’d love to see more of these early videos of them.

  • Jung Roe

    27/02/2019 at 07:38

    Hey Howard.  Now do you think surf music might be in the MLT repertoire any time soon?  “Surfin Safari in Adelaide” sounds catchy.   smiley tongue

    Or if not singing about surfing, seeing them ride the surf would be just as good.

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