MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Oh June please come and take the rain away…

  • Oh June please come and take the rain away…

    Posted by Jung Roe on 24/05/2019 at 06:49

    “May was the time when I had to say good bye.  Oh June would you come along and bring my baby home....

    I love the lyrics of this song, and the beautiful guitar sounds and melody throughout;  one of MLTs many gems from the “When We’re Together” album.  A song of hope and longing.   A very beautiful song and video.  In honor of summer just around the corner, I thought I’d  highlight this wonderful song here.

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    24/05/2019 at 14:07

    It is a Beautiful song and one of my favorite videos. It has that peaceful feeling of a beautiful, peaceful, fantasy world  (even if the field of what ever it was drove Mona crazy – she didn’t show it in the video.)

    And, it really has that vibe of the sixties or seventies. Sure makes me reflect back to getting out of school for the Summer. Great song!

  • Thomas Randall

    24/05/2019 at 14:30

    GREAT song, GREAT video, GREAT album! Take the rain away indeed!

  • Jacki Hopper

    24/05/2019 at 19:45

    One has to smile at this song… The video compliments it as well…. I’d be happy to see less rain for June after the dumpload of it in May. If it would of been me in that field…. I’d be wheezing and sneezing big time…. Yes… So nice to have outdoor allergies too….Fresh cut grass… Achooooooo… Breathe… Breathe……. Lol… Well at least that one chore I got of doing as a kid….

  • Jung Roe

    08/05/2020 at 08:32

    [postquote quote=38614][/postquote]

    As we delve into May 2020 in the lock down, May 2019 when I posted this feels like a different world from today.  I feel an extra longing for June and summer this year.  This MLT song just feels perfect today.   Let’s all have another listen and share this video with others to lift spirits.  May we all be in a better place in June.



  • Thomas Randall

    08/05/2020 at 14:14

    “June” should be a Duo Session!

  • Jung Roe

    08/05/2020 at 22:53

    [postquote quote=92536][/postquote]
    thumbup I agree Thomas!

  • Howard

    09/05/2020 at 07:01

    Yes, it would be a standout Duo Session as it is well suited to the acoustic sound. Gee I’d miss those awesome shots of the beautiful Mona in that field though. Perhaps Rudolf could splice some cuts to the video scenes.

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/05/2020 at 07:18

    Lol… Got to laugh at Howard, others who like to “swoon” over the gals here… In your replies…Lol

    I guess being the only gal fan who posts regularly, kinda of makes it a tad awkward but yet entertaining to read… Lol…  I get a kick out of how one replies…. But to be fair, I’d of been probably one of them screaming Beatles fan that you ‘d see in old vintage video/film footage clips, documentaries… Though as a teen gal in the 80s mostly, I did go guy band crazy over Duran, and then Glass Tiger…. But that behavior (screaming) , changed as I got into my 20s and by then met Glass Tiger, now they are my buddies… So in a way, female speaking, I can understand why /where you are swooning from perspective…. I did to male bands as you do to female ones… ??

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