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  • Oh June, would you come along and bring my baby home

    Posted by Jung Roe on 08/05/2021 at 07:44

    I really love “June”, the lyrics are so wonderful, and I feel so much passion and longing when I listen to this beautiful song.

    A real good example of the kind of beautiful inspired lyrical song writing MLT create in their music. The live Cavern version of June is really awesome too! So glad to have that live version from the MLT Live at the Cavern Club album.

    “May was the time when I
    Had to say goodbye
    Oh June, would you come along
    And bring my baby home”

    “Remember January
    When we first met
    And a beautiful February
    We’ll never forget
    A perfect March and April
    But clouding up in May

    Oh June, please come
    And take the rain away
    Oh June, please come
    And take the rain away….”

    For me, if there is one month in the year I wish I could hide away, it would be the month of May. For some weird reason, a lot of unfortunate things happened in May in my life. So when May comes along, I find much solace in “June”. I enjoy June all year round, but in May it is especially sweet.

    Thanks Mona and Lisa for this wonderful song!

    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Bill Isenberg

    08/05/2021 at 14:54

    Great post my friend but I do love this song as well, has a bit of Till There was You through out. And the power of Mona and Lisa is so awesome, listen to the live Album when they cut? THERE is at least 5 seconds before Lisa comes back in and you can hear a pin drop, that tells me they pull you in with mind and spirit of their music. And the video is a beautiful production of love and spirt to me.

  • Thomas Randall

    09/05/2021 at 01:42

    One of my favorite MLT songs! I play it ALL the time! Great song and I love the video. And I love that hand written lyric sheet for it I got from the girls as well! Written by Lisa I’m pretty sure. Still need to get a frame for it and get it hung up!

    Oh June…..

  • Johnnypee Parker

    09/05/2021 at 15:02

    Ya, as I flipped the MLT Calendar from April to May, I could not help from at least humming “June”.
    Just last night my wife and son were discussing a bunch of crap that’s been going on and how the crap is rolling into May. So, I instinctively began to sing under my breath,”Oh June, please come and take the rain away…”. They actually shook their heads and told me to stop acting strange.

    June is a very catchy tune and has very clever phrasing. I think that since we already know the twelve months, our mind expects the song should have a beginning, middle, and end. However, the beginning and end are in the middle here. Does this make sense, or do I need another cup of coffee?

    As we are carried through each month, the listener can make a personal connection to that month, or anticipate the next month. Jung, I am glad this song brings you a sense of hope. Good times are always right around the corner. The video is very peaceful, too. I love the part with Mona surrounded by a sea of yellow. Bill, I agree with you on the Till There Was You vibe, nice. Thomas, do they make airtight climate controlled frames?

    JP ☕️

    • Thomas Randall

      09/05/2021 at 16:57

      Climate controlled frames Johnny? I don’t think so! But it’s starting to warm up here where I am in N.Y. finally, won’t be long until we start complaining of the heat. Right now I welcome it. COME ON JUNE!

  • Jung Roe

    09/05/2021 at 20:44

    JP, yeah June brings so much hope and emotions of saying goodbye to someone and wanting them back, or hope for things will get better as you mention, it is a beautiful song on so many levels.
    Bill, I love the acoustic guitar sounds of June and I agree has a vibe of Til There was You. I find June has a bit of a Latin flavour too to it with a Spanish classical guitar feel.
    Thomas, what better way than to own this song accompanied by lyrics written by Mona and Lisa themselves eh! It’s priceless. I have The Wide Wide Land with lyrics from Mona and Lisa too which is so precious to have.

  • Jung Roe

    01/06/2021 at 05:25

    Welcome June! Waited a long time through the rainy May. When June comes along it always makers me feel so good and hopeful like Morning Has Broken.
    In the same beautiful spirit as June, this cover is is so wonderful. Such beautiful singing and harmonies with accompanying acoustic guitar work.

    At the end of a dark night, a beautiful morning has broken.

  • Jung Roe

    01/06/2021 at 05:39

    ..And I think June is a great time for a Day Dream.
    Thank you for so much endless joy ladies! 🙂

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