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  • On Your poignant and lovely song

    Posted by Kenneth Emmons on 03/06/2020 at 20:52

    I can really relate to and do appreciate your original “Still A Friend of Mine”.

    I have touched 6 persons in this world that also fit into and live out of the picture this song portrays.

    With the theme being what it is, was there a unique person in your life that inspired it ??

    The story and meaning of this song seems personal, with sharp insight, yet also with a well done sense of poetic license.



    Kenneth Emmons replied 4 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    03/06/2020 at 20:52

    Hi Kenneth,

    It’s wonderful that you can relate this song to 6 special people in your life. That sounds like a life of wonder and adventure.

    While the song was inspired by one person in particular we can also relate different lines to different people who have played important roles in our lives. So at this point, we like to keep the interpretation open and let the listeners take away from it whatever they want 🙂

    Thanks ♥

  • Kenneth Emmons

    03/06/2020 at 23:46

    I see things of life with in – depth insight, yet I sincerely understand where other peoples are at,  some, who be simple, in that they are designed and interested in simpler pleasures of life. So yes, the DNA (body) designs of all humanity is diverse, to understand them, allows you to be able to relate with them well, and be relevant to where they are at, and gain trust in the process.

    Some day I would like to travel everywhere, with that purpose in mind.

    I took this song in, with all its facets noted and put it together, and then interpreted it, which took me 2 months, also with the reading of your lyrics.

    So yes, this is likely how everyone takes time to hear, enjoy and perhaps interpret any given song.

    Thanks for answering my question, the influences in my life were quite diverse.


  • Jacki Hopper

    04/06/2020 at 02:33

    To Kenneth and Lisa, Thankyou to you both for your replies, and I whole heartedly agree with both your sentiments,  when a song is open for interpretation,  and it moves, touches the listener for whatever the reasons, then the song has effectively, accomplished its  mission…  For me, a song is a moving story poem, as it envokes imagery,  with the instrumentation, lyrics, melodies, etc, it conveys emotions, it conjures a dance in my mind, I feel and sense its rhythms…

  • Jung Roe

    04/06/2020 at 05:14

    The interpretation of music is like a poem indeed giving an endless amount of inspiration.  That is how it is with the entire album of Orange for me, I get something new or different, a new nuance with every listen.  That’s how after 50+ years, Sargent Peppers still moves people, even for people who’ve owned the album since the 60s.  Case in point, a good friend of mine bought Sargent Peppers when he was a young teenager when the album first came out in the late 60’s, and it’s still one of his favorite albums of all time, even with all the hisses and pops.

  • Howard

    04/06/2020 at 07:15

    I remember a similar question being posed a long time ago and the response was similar. I like that the MLT prefer to keep us guessing. It was the same with many Beatles‘ songs (and the Rolling Stones), in the sixties where their particular song influences and muses were not initially revealed. Having said that, I would so like to know more, but I appreciate and understand Mona’s and Lisa’s approach.

    Sometimes influences are not so secret, as with The Rolling Stones’ song from 1967, “Dandelion”, which was the name given to Keith Richards’ first daughter and which I was reminded of by Lisa’s twitter post of 30 May.

    As for your friend Jung, who purchased a copy of the Beatles’ Sgt. Peppers when it first came out, this was me too, and the very first new album I ever purchased. I still have fond memories of lying on the lounge room floor listening to it via our crappy old gramophone, and being able to sing along as all the lyrics were on the back. This was a first for me as I don’t know of any other album that came like that previously.

  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2020 at 00:41

    Howard, for the first album, you didn’t waste any time and went for the gusto!  When my friend got Sargent Peppers, and for the first listen, he said he had all his friends over with his parents, like a ritual celebration of a brand new never heard before Beatles album!  Interestingly he said everyone was completely surprised by it, hearing Beatles songs that never sounded like any Beatles or rock songs they ever heard before.  He said at first he was a little disappointed because it was not what he was expecting, but soon enough he fell in love with it.

  • Kenneth Emmons

    05/06/2020 at 02:04

    “For me, a song is a moving story poem, as it envokes imagery,…”


    What you wrote here is so true and is sometimes true of many good songs that use poetic imagery in their song. Sometimes like in these ‘Twins’ originals, songs weave together so well, when melody, lyrics, and rhythm, come together in expressions of beauty and perhaps funny musical thought or concept.

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/06/2020 at 07:18

    Thankyou Kenneth✌

  • Kenneth Emmons

    06/06/2020 at 03:16

    To both of your thoughts, my first Beatles influence started in 1970′  by way of my cousin Loren, who brought multiple Beatles albums to play on a simple record player, but,… it was magic to my older brother and I, listening gave me my beginning insights into what were the things we longed/ wished for,… and what were the harsher realities when life goes wrong, and then the possible synthesis or solutions that my be offered to work out the nasty elements of life,… better. Later when they broke up, I much appreciated the musical works of George Harrison, that”s when I grasped the genius of all their works and the skills that it took to do what they did for all of us.

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