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  • Original penned tracks – Influences

    Posted by Peter Killick on 06/01/2024 at 16:50

    “MAKE SHOW” – I wonder if the influences for this song, or at least the title is a throwback to the early leather-clad Beatles in the sweaty cellar clubs of The Reeperbahn in Hamburg 1960-1962? Their often raucous German audiences would frequently shout out “Mach Show,” (literally “put on a show” in English). The boys themselves would use the phrase on stage too. Maybe not but I’d like to think it was a tip of the hat to that era.

    Can we think of other influences that may have led to other MLT original songs?

    Rudolf Wagner replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies

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