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  • Howard

    15/10/2019 at 22:35

    Nice one David. They harmonise so well. An excellent video! How come Marie looks so much younger than them?

    • David Herrick

      16/10/2019 at 04:20

      I think her brothers are aging for her, Howard.  It’s like a Dorian Gray thing.

      The Osmonds may never have been considered to be hip, but they have the same powerful family bonds that we all see and admire in the Wagner family.


  • Jacki Hopper

    16/10/2019 at 00:27

    I never knew for the longest time that 2 of the older brothers  Virl?! & Tom?!, are both hearing impaired , I found out many years later….. I used to watch the Donny and Marie show on TV in the 70s as a kid… Kinda had a crush on Donny and his older brothers… Jimmy was cute but he was the baby of the brothers, I rather preferred Donny and the older brothers to have crushes on… I do like Marie’s ” Paper Roses” and in later years her duet with Dan Seals ” Meet Me In Montana”… Lol

    • David Herrick

      16/10/2019 at 01:35

      I was a regular Donny and Marie viewer too, Jacki.  I also remember the Osmonds Saturday morning cartoon from a few years earlier, which shows briefly on the background screen.


  • Jung Roe

    16/10/2019 at 06:03

    Hi David, Jacki.  Oh yeah, I use to watch the Donny and Marie show all the time.  Great singing and hilarious skits they did.

  • Rick Ross

    16/10/2019 at 17:08

    They are performing for the final time due to some health issues.
    Wayne has brain cancer (second oldest of singers)
    Alan has MS (oldest singer)
    Jimmy had a stroke and not doing well (baby)
    By the way Marie just turned 60!

    • David Herrick

      16/10/2019 at 19:45

      Such a shame.  I read that Wayne has substantial hearing loss also.


  • Jacki Hopper

    16/10/2019 at 19:51

    Yes, some of them have had health issues over the while, 2 of the lesser known older brothers have always had hearing impairments…. But didn’t some of the offspring form a new round of Osmond singers?!

    • David Herrick

      16/10/2019 at 20:05

      That’s right, Jacki.  I had to look up the details, but Alan’s eight (!) sons make up “The Osmonds – Second Generation”.


  • Ron Mctaggart

    18/10/2019 at 17:52

    Good post David. Since I live in Vegas, I need to get down to the “strip” & catch the Donnie & Marie show before they wrap up their residency.

  • John Behle

    19/10/2019 at 00:42

    It may be too late Ron.  A neighbor of mine flew down a few weeks ago to see what she said was their last show.  I was a little sad as I might have made the trip if they had more shows.  I’ve gotten to know a few of the Osmonds over the years and used to run into Donny at the market occasionally.  Those I’ve met are as nice as their image makes them out to be.

    I kind of missed out on their popular period, but was in Canada at the time just a few years after the older two brothers had been there.  We ran into the “mania” a lot though.  Teen girls had posters all over their walls and hoped to marry Donny some day 🙂   I ran into one that it actually saved her life.  She was suicidal one day and the influence of Donny caused her to seek out help.  Shortly after that we took her to hear a really inspiring speech by Randy Bachman.  I’d previously heard the story of “David Lofchik” from Zig Ziglar and one of the things Randy shared was the update of where David was at many years later.  From cerebral palsy to competing for “Mr. Manitoba” Canada.

    • David Herrick

      19/10/2019 at 04:10

      If Wikipedia is correct, their last show will be November 16th.  So there may still be time!


  • Paul Steinmayer

    19/10/2019 at 01:46

    I love The Osmond’s!  I saw that performance, and they still got it!

  • John Behle

    19/10/2019 at 05:07

    Ok.  I’ll never believe that neighbor again 🙂   Or maybe it was extended again.  Anyway Ticketmaster is still selling tickets so maybe there is still time to head to Vegas.

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