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  • Jürgen

    31/12/2021 at 09:53
  • Jung Roe

    01/01/2022 at 19:19

    Hi Jurgen, that city wide fireworks video is amazing. Hope everyone enjoyed some great fireworks shows locally or on TV last night. My tradition is to tune in to see the fireworks show in Seattle at the Space Needle which are always great. Last nights was especially well done because most could only view it from TV, and they added some special effects.

  • Jürgen

    01/01/2022 at 20:35

    Hi Jung, I hope you had a nice New Year’s Eve. The sale of New Year’s Eve rockets and firecrackers was prohibited in our country this year (for the second year in a row). That’s why I posted the video (that was my contribution to this year’s New Year’s Eve fireworks). I have no idea if fireworks shows were broadcast on TV. Friends visited us and we focused on popping champagne corks. That was very entertaining, too. 🙂

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