• Rudolf Wagner

    05/09/2019 at 14:25

    Thanks Howard, I could verify the error and have a look into it.

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/09/2019 at 19:48

    And I just  tried to see if this was affected as well on Android phone/tablet… And… Yes I get the same thing happening… Just wanted to let you know as well since I don’t have iPhone or any Apple products, just the Android stuff. I hope it can be fixed. Rudi will give it his best to do so.

  • John Behle

    06/09/2019 at 06:38

    I’ve had the same issue for the last few days.  I was trying to find a post someone made on video editing software and received the same response Howard mentioned.   No matter what I tried or what password I entered it came up with the same result.  Happened on both my IPad and Windows computer.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    07/09/2019 at 18:05

    It should work now.
    I have also updated the search function.
    You can now search much more precisely and the results will be highlighted.

    • Jacki Hopper

      08/09/2019 at 22:01

      Hi again Rudi, forgot to add on to my previous reply to you here on how I appreciate and please continue to provide the visual references as I’m a visual learner and grasp the understanding better when there is a visual reference in conjunction with explanation, Thankyou again!

  • Howard

    07/09/2019 at 18:22

    Thank you Rudolf. Australia is 186-6. It’s 3.21am here!

    • John Behle

      08/09/2019 at 02:08

      Thanks so much.  It works a great deal better.  One possible tweak might be needed.  Not to be picky.  It works great for the first page of results.  If there is a second page of search results, it goes to the same password protected screen that doesn’t go any further.

      Not that I’m obsessed with searching.  I was looking for one particular item.  I think it might have been a reply by Lisa regarding a list of some of the video/audio editing software, but I just can’t find it.  I haven’t needed video editing for years and everything I have is incompatible with Windows 10.

      I have a group of 14 DVD’s  of a seminar I gave years ago that I want to enhance and then cut into smaller files for YouTube.  Also, both my sister and brother have cancer and I wanted to get all the old family movies enhanced and viewable by them and their families.

      Have a great day.   Thanks,   John Behle

    • Rudolf Wagner

      08/09/2019 at 15:05

      Hi John,
      This is probably a caching issue.
      Your browser has probably still stored the old page.
      Try to empty your browser cache (shift+delete – in most browsers).
      I had the same issue and it worked for me.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/09/2019 at 22:02

    Hi Rudi…

    Thankyou for updating & fixing all the tech glitches… HandyTechMan, it’s most appreciated.

  • Howard

    08/09/2019 at 17:14

    I’m afraid the search function is still not working for me Rudi. I have tried clearing my cache as follows:

    If you haven’t done so already, choose to show the optional Develop menu by going to Safari menu in the upper left corner, choose Preferences > Advanced > “Show Develop menu in menu bar”, then close out of Preferences.

    Back at any Safari browser window, pull down the “Develop” menu and choose “Empty Caches”

    Wait a few seconds and the Safari web caches will be cleared completely, allowing fresh web content to be pulled from the remote web servers without having any local cache serving for that session
    There is no confirmation or alert dialog notifying the user that Safari browser caches have been cleared or emptied, it simply happens behind the scenes.

  • Howard

    09/09/2019 at 09:27

    Hi Rudi. Sorry to be a pest. I have the same issue on my iPhone, iPad and Apple MacAir.

    • Rudolf Wagner

      09/09/2019 at 20:43

      This is really strange. I now tested it on different Desktops Win 7 and 10, Ipad Air 2, Iphone SE and 6S+ and a few Android devices and it was working on all of them no matter what browser I used.  I wonder what could be different on your side than the content of the cache.

      The description of emptying the cache on the MacAir is correct as far as I can see.

      Emptying the browser cache on IOS (Ipad, Iphone):

      Is it still not working?

      Do you see the orange line “Advanced Search” like in the image above?
      If yes, what happens when you click on it?

    • Jacki Hopper

      09/09/2019 at 22:30

      And now I tried a search, typed in what I wanted to lookup, hit Advanced Search, then this comes up:

      (I was using my Huawei P20 lite Android phone on wifi from Tim Hortons donut Cafe) Screenshot_20190909_172557_com.android.chrome

    • Rudolf Wagner

      11/09/2019 at 00:03

      Thanks for sending me the picture. I have no other chance to see the error because I can not produce it myself. I can see that this has nothing to do with your membership password. Therefore trying to put that in would not help. The screen is normally used to protect single pages on a wordpress site with a password. As I never used that function I must admit that I have no idea why it appears at the moment.

      I even tried to log into our site via VPN from different places around the world like Canada, Australia, USA, China but was not yet able to reproduce that error. As a lost resort I tried to delete all the server side cache on our server and on Cloudflare. Maybe that helps. Sorry for the bother and I appreciate very much that you keep me updated about that issue.

    • Jacki Hopper

      11/09/2019 at 02:08

      You’re welcome Rudi, glad my photo of the issue has somewhat helped visually what we’re encountering and am sorry that this is a strange/frustrating issue for you to try and sort out technically but where’s a will, you’ll find the way,  I just thought a visual reference would help explain more specifically what the problem is. We appreciate your efforts in finding a fix and we’ll keep on letting you know of any more issues.

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/09/2019 at 21:33

    Well, this is becoming intriguing… Though I ‘m not a techy by no means, but I got to wondering, if there is such a thing /possibility that the WordPress site in itself may/may not be compatible  in certain countries/areas on the browsers used in the countries, example : perhaps in Australia, where Howard is at, for whatever reasons, WordPress site whether in app version or desktop is not compatible to work on the browser systems used in Australia for the internet?!, does that make sense as to what I’m asking about, I hope I properly made myself understood with my Q… Basically what I’m trying to ask us: Is it perhaps a compatibility issue of WordPress site both in the App/Desktop versions not working on internet browser software systems used in other countries /area for the internet use and capabilities to run internet… Whether on Fibre cable or whatever means a city has to make internet possible for all in business and home and on phone/tablet /Wi-Fi…. Whew, that was a throng of thinking  kinda tech wise for me to convey… Lol… My apologies for being long-winded… As stated, I’m not quite Tech Minded Smart…

  • John Behle

    09/09/2019 at 23:25

    Rudi,  The screen Jacki pointed out is the exact same one I have been getting.  It comes up with the password already in.  I’ve tried that and typed the password directly and even reset the password.  When the password is entered at that screen, it just comes up with the same screen.  Same result on Windows 10 as Ipad.  I have cleared the caches on both multiple times.  Some searches go through and seem to work ok.  Multiple word searches seem to be where it locks.  Not a big issue and don’t mean to be a pain, just verifying the issue that is happening.  I’m in the Western US, Jacki is in Canada and Howard is in Australia, but I don’t think that is the issue.  It could be some kind of “permissions” issue where it works for your login and not for general?


  • Jacki Hopper

    11/09/2019 at 17:02

    Update on Results  on September 11th /2019 :


    Hi, I’m at a public library branch using their public computers  and wanted to try and see if I could use the Advanced Search function with success or have that same screen message show up as in the one I had screenshot for you on here and posted….And well, what do you  know…WOOHOO SUCCESS…!!!!! At least for now and at this Public Library Branch that I’m at it works…Either you successfuly fixed the issue and works fine now or I just happen to hit the lucky computer and it’s worked it’s successful magic….and elsewhere it may/may not work…. Just wanted you to know ! 🙂

  • Howard

    11/09/2019 at 17:20

    Thanks for that Jacki. I just tested the Search function on my iPhone and it worked beautifully. Well done once again Papa Rudi! Yabba, dabba do!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    12/09/2019 at 15:05

    Good gracious, that was a nasty bug. And once again it was the cache. Not the browser cache but the server side cache. Glad it works now. 🙂

    • Jacki Hopper

      12/09/2019 at 19:58

      WooHoo Rudi, Kudos for finally nabbing that pesky techbugglitch varmint and you put it in its place….  Whew….!!! Thankyou again… Rudi to Tech Rescue…

  • Howard

    12/09/2019 at 16:47

    Well thanks for sorting it out Rudolf.  The Search function is a valuable tool in the Forum.

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