• Perfect Evening

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 13/11/2021 at 17:50

    So I have a great suggestion for a perfect evening. The other night I got home from work and my wife was shopping and Maddie was playing with her friend next door and I found a window of opportunity that really never exists for me, So I made myself a cup of coffee and a chocolate cup cake and turned on U Tube and tabbed in Mona and Lisa video’s and for 90 plus minutes I sat and watched When i am 64, Drive my car, The Last Time, Revolution, I bought myself a Politician, Wide Wide Land , This Boy is Mine…etc…..and what a great evening. Now that is a perfect way to end a day. And after a hectic day at work, that is the medicine I needed and also slept like a baby that night….LOL…So just throwing that out there if anyone already does this or might want to give this a try, let me know!!

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

    Johnnypee Parker replied 2 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    14/11/2021 at 10:54

    Hi Bill. I never go driving without an MLT album playing on my phone through the bluetooth to my car stereo. With 10 MLT albums, there is always much to choose from!

    I also like putting on the MLT Jukebox, Surprise Player, and meditating to music on my couch in the evening, or while I do something on the internet or journaling.

    Sometimes I just enjoy exploring around in the Club playing different Duo Session videos or Cavern Club, or launching a photo slideshow with the Jukebox going. Sometimes I like playing MLT videos on MLTs Youtube channel. The Youtube algorithm sets up an MLT playlist on the side ribbon and I often like to let it autoplay. Do others get that too in youtube?

  • Walter Music

    16/11/2021 at 12:50

    Hi guys, you know I do the same thing as the both of you. I play CD’s in my car of the Twins everyday, then when I am home I go into my little studio and put my head phones on and just sit back in my chair and watch and listen. I find I would rather see them playing and on their video’s though. LOL, I was so calm I fell a sleep sitting up in my chair, head phones on, talk about mellowing me out. They just have that vibe that puts me at ease after a long day of work. It is 5:00 am here in Denver and see where I am at. I was thinking, how and why is so many people are in love with the Twins and their Music, no glitter, no ego, just everyday wonderful ladies wanting to fulfill their dreams of making Music. They are just so good!!!!!

  • Bill Isenberg

    16/11/2021 at 13:27

    Well said Jung and Walter, I Put a CD on in my car on the way home from work, which is about an hour, yesterday i had the Christmas CD on and Just listening to them puts me in a good mood after a hard day of work. Their voices are so soothing and as you said Walter, no glitter and no in your face just wonderful young Ladies taking us on this wonderful journey of Music and sharing their love for this music and to show us …Yes there are young ladies in this world who care about the values of good music and proper living. Love them a bunch and glad I found them when I did, they have been a huge part of my life each and every day. God bless the Mona Lisa Twins !!

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge fans from Pittsburgh Pa USA

  • Johnnypee Parker

    27/11/2021 at 01:22

    I watch a lot more YouTube since I got a big screen 4K. The video quality of the MLT videos is very sharp. I also like to put YouTube on autoplay. Gotta love modern technology. I know I sound like my father, but I can’t get over how many albums can fit on a phone.

    The MonaLisa Twins are spreading simultaneous smiles all around the world. ????


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