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  • Personal to you

    Posted by Brad Taggart on 18/10/2021 at 22:50

    Hi Ladies, I had a couple different things and wasn’t exactly sure where to put them. First, I have a song suggestion. I was listening to a CD from an old band out of Canada (Where I am from originally) called ’The Guess Who’. They had lots of hits back in the day, and were on the radio all of the time. They have a song, which was one of their hits, called ”Bus Rider”, and while listening to it, I thought immediately of you two and that it would be perfect for your style that you love. Check it out! ;o)

    Secondly, My year in the club has flown by, and I have barely had a chance to be in here. I am always on the go. Next month it’s done. I probably won’t be renewing just because I am never here. Once I am at home, I can rejoin. I love your music and still have all of your CD’s with me in my vehicle. I wanted to thank you two, and Rudi and Michaela, and the team in your store for always being great to deal with. I believe it was Anna I was back and forth with when ordering. She is very proficient and friendly. She’s a keeper! Michaela sent me a few of the responses as well, just lovely people, all of you. I wanted to wish you all the very best in case I don’t get the chance to get in here before my membership expires. God bless, and stay safe. Brad????

    Brad Taggart replied 2 years, 10 months ago 9 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    18/10/2021 at 22:50

    Hi Brad!

    When we first got into vinyl a few years ago, The Guess Who’s “American Woman” was amongst the first records we picked up at a charity shop! They are a great band and we just listened to “Bus Rider” for the first time. That was a fun trip, we loved the guitar licks! I also know what the soundtrack for the rest of my day will be now … 😉

    We are grateful for your support this past year and completely understand your decision not to renew if you don’t have the time to make use of the MLT Club 🙂 You will of course be welcomed with open arms if you ever decide to pop back in. You can always just join for a month here and there if you’d like to catch up with what’s happening from time to time. Whatever works for you!

    Thanks for the kind words to all of us, we send you all the best!

    Mona & Lisa (and Michaela, Rudi & Anna :-))

  • Tom Fones

    18/10/2021 at 22:53

    Join in again when you slow down.

  • Jung Roe

    19/10/2021 at 03:53

    Hi Brad,

    We all hope you have the opportunity to return to the Club! No pressure! 🙂

    Oooh Lisa, The Guess Who, American Woman album, what an awesome piece of Canadian music history to own!!! ???????? ???????? They have to be my all time fave Canadian rock band, and American Woman, I think has one of the finest guitar riffs in rock and roll dome! One of the very few great Canadian 60s rock and roll band in the realm of the Kinks, CSNY etc….In my early childish music ignorance, I thought The Who and The Guess Who were the same, but when I learned The Guess Who was a Canadian band, and American Woman was a Canadian song, it felt even more sweet.

    This video is an example of when a song is so good, it escapes all bounds of time and physics! It’s magic, truly timeless, sounds as good today as when it was first released in the 60s! I’m sure only a few songs can keep the crowd going for this long. ????❤

  • Thomas Randall

    20/10/2021 at 01:11

    All the best to you Brad, come back and visit when you can!


  • Bill Isenberg

    20/10/2021 at 01:53

    Jung how about NO TIME? Great guitar work and drums? So Mona and Lisa, your thoughts?

    • Jung Roe

      21/10/2021 at 02:56

      Bill, yeah No Time is a great song. Great harmonies and guitar work. Has such an awesome 60s feel to it!

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/10/2021 at 04:03

    Hi Brad, what part of Canada were you originally from !?… There’s a few Canuckers on here…. EH !?… I like The Guess Who stuff , American Woman in particular but my fave all time Canadian band are my buddies ~ Glass Tiger !!

    Hope You can rejoin the MLT Club at a future time…

  • Johnnypee Parker

    24/10/2021 at 13:15

    Come back soon, Brad. Best of luck in all of your future endeavors.


  • Brad Taggart

    29/10/2021 at 21:01

    Hi again Ladies, ???? It’s funny Lisa that you mentioned the guitar licks in the song because as I was listening to it and thought, “hey, this would be great for the twins,” I exactly thought about you with that short-necked guitar you use (I am not insulting it, I just don’t know what it is called, and I have never seen one before)playing those licks, and your dad playing the keyboard part, and Mona on the drums. All of those parts are really rocking in that song. There’s no sax for your stepmom, but I don’t think she plays with you any longer. I have rarely even seen your dad playing still, but my favorite song of yours hasn’t changed since the first time I heard it, ‘Still A Friend Of Mine’, and your dad plays that beautiful white grand piano in that video. As far as the club goes, I will definitely be back. It’s amazing the feeling of family I got even in the few times I was there. You two are really special, and you have attracted the greatest of fans because of it.

    Thanks for making me feel welcome always. I’ll be a lifetime fan, Brad ????

  • Tom Fones

    29/10/2021 at 21:06

    There are two or three forums where i drop in one or twice a year and catch up.

    Give it some thought. Don’t be a stranger.

  • Greg Dent

    30/10/2021 at 04:54

    Mona, Lisa … Here’s a fun one to cover—”Your Nashville Sneakers,” a non-hit by the Guess Who. Silly lyrics and a full minute of great guitar and piano solos. “Your Nashville Sneakers always drag me down, down, down down.” Papa might really get into the piano part. You could for sure top the original version. The whole thing is kind of in the same spirit as “The No More Worries Company,” with its surprise piano break.

  • Brad Taggart

    14/11/2021 at 00:40

    I don’t know how to do a group text, but whoever sees this, please let the rest know that I really appreciate the nice responses, and the notice that I will be welcome when I come back. I love the twins, and I will be back, I just am so busy now I am never able to spend any time here. As you can see, I don’t even know how to work the messages, LOL.

    Thanks to everyone for your kindness. Brad

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