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  • Jacki Hopper

    24/10/2019 at 15:54

    Well… I first started to love the vintage 60s style convertible mustang when I was a youngster in the 70s because a friend of the family at the time had a 60s convertible mustang that was candy appl red with black convertible rooftop…. Thus my love for vintage mustangs was born…  And the same friend also owned a vintage Model T type Ford/Chevy half-ton truck that featured round pedals for gas/brake… Can’t tell you exact truck model but I’m going to say  perhaps 30s-40s Era – ish… Lol… That and then my late Grandpa Hopper was a car enthusiast /mechanic so he had an old coupe that we inherited for awhile after he died and Dad sold it….. I truly am a Daddy’s Girl.. Love vintage cars/trucks as he did… Lol… I just don’t drive or cared to get my driver’s license…. Lol…

  • John Behle

    24/10/2019 at 21:13

    Had an amazing “Petrol-head” experience a few weeks ago.   I’d heard my nephew was managing a car themed restaurant but hadn’t been there yet.  I was told the owner was into racing and some of his cars were there.   Assumed a couple old busted up cars or something.

    Walked in to see $100,000,000 – one hundred million dollars of cars on the walls, ceiling etc.  champion Formula cars, exotic racers, Super-cars. ……  still a little stunned….. time for another dinner and maybe this time I won’t be too awed to even take a picture or 2 ….. hundred.

  • Jacki Hopper

    24/10/2019 at 23:44

    Vrrrrooooommmmmm…my kinda eating venue, I’d be in my racecar luv glory by the sounds of it, is there a link for this place that we could look at, I’d luv to see pix of this place and the cars and related memorabilia…..yes, please, indeed, you’ve revved up my racecarluv engines…vvvvvrrrrrooooomm !!

  • John Behle

    25/10/2019 at 01:05

    Yes, it’s called the “Garage Grill” in Draper, Utah (next to Salt lake City)  at:

    I guess it’s done real well and they are opening another even larger one with more cars.  Must be nice to have a few hundred million in extra cars just hanging around – literally.

    • Jacki Hopper

      25/10/2019 at 02:19

      Whoa John… Thanks for link… Damn… I love the place already… Lol… They need to expand franchises into ????️?⛽???️☕????????

  • Jung Roe

    25/10/2019 at 05:53

    2002 Mustang GT profile

    The road and the machine

    Here’s a video from 10 years ago, on the way to the Canadian Rockies. My Stang…good music, nice weather, beautiful scenery, and the open road, what more could we ask for.


  • John Behle

    25/10/2019 at 09:17

    Looks like Good times!   Driving through Alberta, in a red Mustang listening to the Turtles.  I went up there years ago on a Honda 750.  All that was missing was the Turtles, but I’m I know there was old groovy Rock music playing loud – probably the Beatles.    2500 miles in 7 days left parts of me numb that never had been before.   Took a full day in the Hot Springs at Banff to try to loosen up and recover from the cold rain all through Idaho.

     The Canadian Rockies are so beautiful and majestic.   Oh Canada!   My home away from home.   True patriot love from all thy friends command ( how we would sometimes sing it )

    • Jung Roe

      26/10/2019 at 08:01

      Hi John.  Going through the rockies on a Honda 750 sounds like perfection!  I never got to visit a hot tub in Banff, but would have loved to do it, especially in the winter when it is like minus 10c outside, and the water is a warm 45, and snow is falling.  I experienced a little of that in Harrison Hot Srings near Vancouver BC, but an outdoors hot tub in the middle of winter in Banff would be the ultimate.

  • David Herrick

    25/10/2019 at 15:05

    I have to confess that I’m not a petrolhead at all.  My interest in cars extends only as far as being able to identify mine well enough to find it in a crowded parking lot.

    But I am a lifelong highway travel enthusiast.  As I kid I used to spend way too much time staring at maps in the road atlas and wondering what it would look like if I were driving down the road I was focused on at the moment.  So thanks, Jung, for posting those videos so I can complete one of those journeys.


    • Jung Roe

      26/10/2019 at 08:11

      Hi David.  I hope you will get to do a grand road trip soon!  So many wonderful places to see, Canadian Rockies, Oregon and California coast (Highway 1).  I use to follow a fountain pen reviewer youtube guy who often posted his road trips through North and South Dakota.  Those endless miles of isolated rolling hills and beautiful valleys put North Dakota high on my list of places for a long road trip one day.

    • David Herrick

      26/10/2019 at 20:45

      Thanks, Jung.  Actually I have managed to do a few grand road trips (or in one case a grand Amtrak trip) over the years.  My bucket list goal is to visit all 48 contiguous U.S. states, and now I’ve done 43:  all except Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah.  One more trip should take care of those, and then I’ll move on to Canada.

      Just last year I crossed off seven new states in a single trip, including North Dakota.  Definitely worth it!  The eastern half was a little dull, but the Badlands in the west were fascinating:  a vast expanse of mini Grand Canyons.  If you cross on I-94, be sure to stop and check out the world’s largest statue of a dairy cow.  It’s on top of a mesa, and you can see it from miles away.

      I’ve managed to satisfy a bit of my wanderlust in recent years by viewing YouTube videos of dashcam footage of long trips, sped up by a factor of about ten.  They’re very hypnotic and addictive.


    • Jung Roe

      26/10/2019 at 21:28

      Wow David!  You said you’re not a Petrolhead, but you certainly are no stranger to the open road adventure, more experienced and traveled than the many of us here for sure.  I grew up as a little kid in south and eastern Washington state, so I highly recommend going through there.  Lot of gems there to discover like along the Columbia River, also Death Valley in Southern CA and Nevada.  There is a place in Death Valley called “Artists Palette” where in the middle of the desert there are a series of naturally occurring colored hills that look like a painters palette you don’t want to miss.  In North Dakota, the Badlands is what I was thinking about but couldn’t remember the name.  I love the wide open country like what I think North Dakota looks to be.

    • David Herrick

      28/10/2019 at 00:30

      I guess you’re right, Jung.  I never really thought of myself as well-travelled, probably because I did it all in just five trips spaced out over thirty years, with a single-minded focus on “collecting” states, without much regard for any particular destinations along the way (other than the cow statue).

      I’ve already planned out a route for my final trip, tentatively scheduled for 2026, and it will take me through the Tri-Cities area of southeastern Washington, so I’ll definitely be seeing that region, plus just the northeastern corner of Nevada.  I’ll have to save Death Valley for a dedicated destination trip, but I do hope to get out there someday.


  • Jacki Hopper

    25/10/2019 at 15:17

    Thankyou for sharing Jung…. It’s bringing back fond memories of all the times that I’d be on Saturday but mostly Sunday drives with Dad and Mom(before she got sick) and with Dad while Mom was sick and after she died until Dad couldn’t drive anymore himself… We took day trips shopping to Watertown, NY, spent a wknd in Oswego, NY(car races), visiting relatives near Toronto, etc… I was always amazed at Dad’s uncanny ability to drive into unknown territory (towns, etc) that never been to and just happened to stumble upon yet on the way home, he’d manage to meetup with a familiar road/area from which we eventually found our way back home…. I miss those times, but your videos Jung, puts a smile to my memories of The Dad Drives…. Thankyou?

    • Jung Roe

      26/10/2019 at 07:56

      Hi Jacki.  I’m really glad my videos brought back some fond memories of your dad and those road trips.  I miss my times with my dad driving us around and me and my little sister teasing each other and fighting in the back seat.  When I use to do a lot of road trips on my own before there was navigation, I often got lost in the middle of nowhere, but part of the fun was getting lost and discovering new towns and places and dropping in on interesting little diners.

  • Jung Roe

    26/10/2019 at 06:44

    Thanks John, David, and Jacki! I think a big factor with my love for the road trips are the fond memories of my dad and mom taking us on the road adventures every summer with all the kids in the back. We never flew anywhere on our vacations, but it was always the road trips down through the western US states. The whole family would have meant the 7 of us with all the kids, so flying anywhere would have been a little too expensive, so it was the big ole 1956 Buick Road Master with those big fin-tails, and then later a Chrysler Fury 3, with no air conditioning back then! When I grew up and could do the road trip thing myself, there were never happier times, just heading down the highway, in the 89 Mustang, then later the 02 Mustang, myself and some vacation time and the world to discover! It felt so sweet! Lots of stories to tell from those early adventurous days.

  • Jung Roe

    27/10/2019 at 02:52
  • Howard

    10/01/2020 at 15:04

    My Moto Guzzi wouldn’t start today. The battery was several years old and had finally given out. Had to jump start the bike and take it to my local bike shop to get a new battery fitted. While there, I booked in for the bike’s 70,000 km service. While waiting, I noticed this nifty guitar in the office, made completely from spare bike parts.



  • Howard

    10/01/2020 at 15:11

    And another one.


  • Jung Roe

    10/01/2020 at 15:39

    That looks like a “heavy metal” guitar used to do Heavy Metal sounds Howard.  ?

  • Jung Roe

    10/01/2020 at 15:54

    It looks a little like Lisa’s Gretsch Duo Jet though.

  • Howard

    11/01/2020 at 00:47

    I think you might be right there Jung. I’ll check it out and ask some questions when I’m back there next Tuesday. I’ve got a a 70,000 km service due and this is a big one. The service manual indicates the shaft drive needs replacing and this would be expensive, considering the parts have to be imported direct from the factory in Italy.

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