
  • Tomás F. Calvo

    06/04/2019 at 23:49

    Hi Howard,

    It seems to be working fine for me. I’m on Windows and use Chrome as a browser. Since they have just moved the site to new servers and made some changes, it’s possible that you’re having a cache issue. Try clearing your cache and see if that helps. An easy way to clear the cache for a page is to hold the shift key while you refresh the page.

    Also a suggestion (not sure it’s the case though). if you’re using Safari, try using Chrome or Firefox as they are much better browsers, and Safari seems to have issues managing cache.

    Hoping this helps!


  • Howard

    07/04/2019 at 01:32

    Please ignore my original request Rudi. Tomás Has solved the problem for me. And congratulations on the new beaut server. It is indeed much quicker after some initial teething problems.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    01/05/2019 at 20:48

    Yes we had that problem fixed just to find out that it continues on IOS devices (iPhone and iPad). We fixed that too and now it should work everywhere.

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