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  • Playing Bass while Singing

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 11/06/2019 at 03:50

    I’ve never been a good singer, so I never had to sing while playing bass, which in some cases can be very difficult. Like playing piano, the left hand could be simply plonking along with simple notes and simple rhythms (e.g octaves on the downbeat) while the right hand does what it does, or it can get quite complicated, requiring a LOT of practice, months if not years. When the bass plays more of a melodic line, which usually you sing in your head as you play, it conflicts with what you need to actually sing, which almost certainly would be different in rhythm and melody. All you have in common is the tempo. It can be challenging to say the least, like splitting your brain in two!  Rock songs usually play a pattern around the chords so it’s not that hard, but it still takes practice.

    Then there’s Macca’s bass which is all over the place. I had the good fortune to see him play a couple of weeks ago here in Raleigh. One of the songs he played was Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite. I have heard an interview he made, when he added it to the set list a few years ago, that he never intended to play and sing it when he wrote it, and that it was quite the challenge for him now.

    During the concert in Raleigh I saw him pressing his lips and focusing intently in some parts of the Benefit of Mr. Kite song.


    It reminded me of a certain redhead also playing a Hofner bass, focusing on a difficult bass line for Africa (the song, not the continent!). I did not see the Twin’s live version of If I Needed Someone but that must have been a challenge too. It’s only the best of the best that pass these challenges with flying colors and make it look easy, like the Twins always do. For the rest of us, there’s a practice room. 😉

    Stephen Krogh replied 5 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    11/06/2019 at 04:46

    Thanks for that insight Tomas.  Something another musician can really appreciate.  I know watching Mona and Lisa perform, it looks so natural and effortless, but it’s certainly because of their incredible musical faculty.

  • Howard

    11/06/2019 at 07:41

    Yes, Tomas, they do make it look easy but I’m sure it is not just their natural talent at play here. From what I’ve seen, Mona and Lisa have always had a healthy work ethic and they obviously practice until they are satisfied they can’t do any better. Not being a musician myself, I appreciate the inside knowledge of musicians like yourself.

  • Stephen Krogh

    12/06/2019 at 22:41

    Great explanation of what’s going on when playing Tomás. I really relate to the “splitting your brain in two” comment. That’s exactly what’s going on -or in some cases; three. My dream is to someday be able to play guitar finger picking style so the thumb can do the bass line while the melody is played with the first three fingers. Of course all that has to coordinate perfectly with the right hand and it’s four fingers. All you finger pickin’ players know exactly what I’m talking ‘bout.

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