• Howard

    02/09/2020 at 02:06

    Imagine | Playing For Change | Song Around The World


  • Howard

    02/09/2020 at 02:07

    Cotton Fields | Playing For Change | Song Around The World


  • Howard

    02/09/2020 at 02:08

    Guantanamera | Playing For Change | Song Around The World


  • Howard

    02/09/2020 at 02:09

    Honky Tonk Women | Playing For Change | Live Outside



  • Jacki Hopper

    02/09/2020 at 02:42

    I’d like to add Alan Frew’s ” Healing Hands” song from his solo album- ” Hold On”, and it’s  justcas powerful, effective live whether when  he does solo stuff and with Glass Tiger… btw, if memory serves me, Mickey Dolenz  either plays drums  &  backing vocals, or just backing vocals . Alan did 3 solo  albums, ” Wonderland”, ” Hold On”, “80290 Rewind”…


    • Howard

      17/10/2020 at 19:20

      Very nice Jacki. I’ve never heard this before. Thank you for sharing. I think I need to look up more Glass Tiger.

  • Stephen Krogh

    16/10/2020 at 23:27

    Thanks for posting this Howard! I stumbled across this global movement on You Tube a couple months ago. It’s truly wonderful. Some of my favorites are their production of “The Weight” and “Listen to the Music”.



    • Howard

      17/10/2020 at 19:20

      Love the Doobie Brothers recording of this song but I love this version even more. Excellent work Stephen.

  • Jim Yahr

    17/10/2020 at 01:08

    I love Playing for Change .  I found them about the same time that I found MLT.  And Stephen – “The Weight” is my favorite too – I did some digging and found it was apparently produced by Robbie’s son as a tribute to his dad on his 75th birthday.



  • Stephen Krogh

    20/10/2020 at 21:06

    That’s awesome Jim. I didn’t know that. Maybe you’ve already seen it but I watched a great music documentary a couple weeks back named “Once Were Brothers” about Robbie Robinson and The Band. It was a great follow up to watch after seeing “No Direction Home”, Martin Scorsese’s music documentary on Dylan.

  • Jim Yahr

    21/10/2020 at 03:02

    I’ve seen “Once Were Brothers”,  I have a copy in my video library along with “No Direction Home” and “The Last Waltz”.   Nobody does rock documentaries like Scorsese.  If you’re into Dylan, watch “Rolling Thunder Review” – another Scorsese film but not a true documentary. It’s documentary footage, but only loosely factual.


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