MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Please Help Me… Re: MLT Xmas CD Download Issue

  • Please Help Me… Re: MLT Xmas CD Download Issue

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 05/11/2019 at 20:53

    Hiya.. Ok, Since I’m only somewhat tech minded with basic limit knowledge, I could use some help in an issue…. Please either explain in visual detail or simple layman’s terms that I can visualize as I read your help suggestions:

    My dilema issue  re: The MLT Xmas CD Download…

    I received email with download and did download to my Android phone in My Files area… Now… What I was trying to do was or perhaps maybe I can’t  because of phone limits or issues itself preventing from doing what I want.

    I am trying, using my Music App (not Google Play Music Icon App), to create a Xmas Playlist  and wanting to add MLT Xmas CD Download to it, but I can’t for whatever reason…. It shows on My Files as Archived?!…. I was with success (I can’t recall now, as to how I did it), to add BAM Vols 2&3 to my playlist I had created but with Xmas MLT one, I can’t… I’m either doing something wrong, or it’s my phone or a combo of both… Please if anyone can help me, I’d rather listen to the Xmas songs on a playlist in my Music App rather than to always go to downloaded file and listen to each song manually separately… I lije to be able to shuffle, etc when I have a playlist, but currently the way it is, I can’t… Help… I Need Somebody… Help… Thankyou!!

    Rick Ross replied 4 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    05/11/2019 at 21:20

    Jacki.  I wonder when you downloaded the CD to your phone if the files are still zipped.  I downloaded to my computer first, and then unzipped/extracted the music files first, before copying them to my phone.  My phone music app found the files right away and lumped them together as an album.  The archived message sounds like the issue maybe.  Archived usually means the files are zipped for storage I think.

    • Jacki Hopper

      05/11/2019 at 21:30

      Hi Jung… I don’t have a computer or home internet… I  mostly rely/ use my Android phone or if I need to but rarely use, my android tablet I have as backup  and use either phone data when at home or Wi-Fi when out n about away from home…. Perhapss the files in downloaded are still “Zipped”, as you said…. I know I was able to download  and add/create a playlist on my phone’s  own Music App (not Google Play Music App) for BAM Vols 2&3 but can’t now for the Xmas MLT CD download Link I had got in email on Halloween…. I was able to download into “My Files” area on my phone but it it’s under Archived?!… As I said, I’m not all that tech-savvy smart, somewhat am just not full blown savvy….

  • Thomas Randall

    05/11/2019 at 22:40

    I think Jung is right, they sound zipped up. Not sure how you would unzip on a android phone, I’m new to those. I had a flip phone up until the beginning of this year! LOL!

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/11/2019 at 23:20

    Update:… Figured it out, all good now, Thanks Jung and Thomas for your helpful suggestions… It was a case of unzipped I think… What matters is that I can enjoy the songs in my phone’s Own Music App and in the Fave Xmas Songs Playlist I created?

  • Thomas Randall

    05/11/2019 at 23:29

    YAY! Great news Jackie! ENJOY!

  • Howard

    06/11/2019 at 01:06

    Well done Jacki. As I am still away from home, and without my computer, I have been relying on the album copy in Jukebox.

  • Jung Roe

    06/11/2019 at 04:31

    Hey Jacki!  Glad you got it working!  🙂

  • Rick Ross

    06/11/2019 at 13:52

    Yay! Jacki! So glad you can listen to all the Groovy Christmas! Enjoy Mona and Lisa’s antics on Santa Baby.

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