MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Possible new member!!!

  • Possible new member!!!

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 11/10/2022 at 21:29

    Hello Everyone! Been a while and I am trying to get caught up, and miss chatting with you all. Have a great story to share with you all. This past weekend me and my wife attended a wedding of our neighbors and was surprised to find at the reception that a couple who we have known for years was there as well. So as you can imagine catching up on 20 years etc….so then we stated talking music and he knows I am a drummer, and one thing to another and I told him about Mona and Lisa and he is blown away to say the least. I took him outside and pulled up the folder on my phone of the Mona Lisa twins music and he is amazed! He has text me every day since saying how much he loves Mona and Lisa and loves all the music video’s he is catching up on. So I am guessing we will have another member join the Mona Lisa Club!! We will see but this is an example of how good they are and showing them to people who did not know about them? And hearing them for the first time is so cool to witness!!! Just wondering if you all had this opportunity to tell people about the twins? I would love to hear from you!

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

    Bill Isenberg replied 1 year, 11 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Daryl Jones

    11/10/2022 at 21:56

    I’m a newbie myself but have been telling as many as I can in my music circle and my regular friends about them. Everyone so far is thrilled with the music. The word is getting around some.

  • Jung Roe

    12/10/2022 at 02:41

    Hi Bill! Great to hear from you! Hope you are doing well and enjoying retirement in the Janitor Joe spirit.

    Great story there of a new MLT fan you brought into the fold.

    A few years ago my neighbour across the street, who also had a couple of Mustangs (5.0L), I knew was a huge Rolling Stones fan, so I sent him a link to MLTs “Paint It Black” video. He was over at my place the next day raving about it, and also “The Last Time” and many of the other 60s covers. I also gifted a couple of my friends MLT CDs and merch, and they love the music. One of my friends was really sick with cancer, and I got him the Orange vinyl, and MLT were gracious enough to personally sign it with a nice feel better message he really liked. I also posted many MLT Youtube videos at the “Classic Rock Forum”, and I like to believe it helped many to discover MLT. (you have to be logged in with the free membership to see the posted videos)

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/10/2022 at 03:15

    Hi there Bill, sorry, I have to reply under otger folks who reply to you as I’m not seeing a Reply button under your posting to reply direct to you, if so, my dumb eyes missed it with this new setup , Yes, I’ve introduced MLT’s music to many , and one person Thanked Me for having introduced MLT ‘s music to her, she enjoys… proof, if you share a YT video or play a CD, etc, that is the best concrete way of introducing the music, seeing/hearing …. at least, that’s my concept/belief that works, in my mind ????✌

    • David

      12/10/2022 at 06:04

      Alas, I don’t have a story that good, but I do have a little story. Maybe it’s the acorn from which a mighty oak grows… Anyway, I was spending too much time on Twitter awhile back and saw a tweet from someone talking about Toto and “Africa.” So I chimed in with a link to the Twins and Mike Masse. The guy commented with thanks and that it was a great cover. But the real payoff was several days later when I was reading the comments about one of the MLT videos on YT and I saw one that read, basically, “I came here because someone on Twitter linked to your cover of “Africa” and I’ve been hooked, playing all your videos ever since.”

      <font face=”inherit”>I read that and thought, with a bit of pride, “Hey, I’m that someone!” I don’t know if it lead to joining the MLT Club, or even buying a CD; but at least it got another person aware of the </font>Twins<font face=”inherit”> and naturally feeling the pull of their immense talent and charm. So it ain’t nothin’!</font>

  • Bill Isenberg

    12/10/2022 at 23:57

    Daryl, David , Jung and Jacki, Wow thanks for replying! So cool stories to share. I know my oldest son loves Mona and Lisa’s cover of Lola, and Africa. To me I just love meeting people who have never heard of the twins and the expression on their faces when they do hear the music and or utube video’s. I have said this many times before and I am sure you all have seen my posts , but I don’t think we will ever see anyone like the Mona Lisa Twins in my life time. They are the whole package, talent, brilliant, down to earth, friendly and lovely and true ladies and I consider them and Pa Rudi and Michela first class people. They have it right and don’t sway away from what they are her to do and that is a musical journey that we all are blessed to be a part of. My wish is someday not only me but all of us can see them live in person and concert. Until then I will stay groovy and love the MLT Club and you all.


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