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  • Problem with : “I Bought Myself a Politician”

    Posted by PASCAL on 29/10/2021 at 16:17

    Since the creation of this song :

    The chancellor of Austria was forced to resign.

    Is it a coincidence?

    Bill Burch replied 2 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    30/10/2021 at 09:38

    Hi Pascal! I think it would be wonderful if this song would be a force for change in the political landscape of the world, weeding out corruption and autocracy.

  • Jürgen

    02/11/2021 at 06:27

    Hi Pascal, well observed, thank you very much.

    I learned the exact course of the political scandal here from a confidential source that I am not allowed to name:

    The case of the Sebastian K.


    Local time 00:15 am: Scene of the crime in Vienna Meidling: Sebastian K., at this point better known as the Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, lives in an elegant terraced housing estate in a chic district of Vienna. Loud music has been coming from his house for hours. The neighbors are completely unnerved and call the police.

    Local time 00:30 am: The local police arrive. When the officers try to admonish Sebastian K., he refuses to let them into his house, presses a 100 € bill into the hand of one of the policemen and says: ” Schleich’ di du Kapplständer” (” You better leave now -Insulting an official-„). The so offended policeman enters the house of Sebastian K. and is surprised: there are hundreds of CD’s lying around in the whole house.
    All have the same cover” I bought myself a politician”.

    Local time 1:00 am: Sebastian K. is taken to the nearest police station and questioned. He testifies as follows: An Austrian musician named Lisa W. had sent him dozens of these CD’s every day and asked him to do more for environmental politics, to take care of socially weak people in Austria, to promote culture better and to refrain from his corrupt political actions.

    08.10. 2021

    Local time 12:00h am: Sebastian K. is brought before a judge. The judge does not believe his story about the musician, but suspects that the CDs are illegal pirated copies that Sebastian K. wants to sell for personal gain. Sebastina K. is charged and sentenced for theft of intellectual property and receiving stolen goods. However, since Sebastian K. has political immunity at this point, he goes unpunished.


    Local time 5:00h pm: This incident causes a scandal within Sebastian K.’s party, sparks a real storm and more and more dirty details of his political machinations are leaking out. The opposition demands his resignation for corruption and other offenses. Sebastian K. draws consequences from this affair and reluctantly resigns from his office. What remains for him is a single CD that had slipped under his bed and was therefore not found: “I bought my self a politician”.

    • PASCAL

      30/06/2022 at 17:52

      Hi Jürgen , now I can understand very well.

  • Roger Penn

    02/11/2021 at 20:30

    Wow Jürgen! That was Epic.

  • Bill Burch

    30/06/2022 at 19:13

    I don’t know if this is true or not. The time and dates are right and we know how clever the Twins are. They don’t seem like the type to be complicit and say nothing like we have around here… Just in case this is more than just coincidence, let me add this, Way to Go Lisa!!

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