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  • Proudest moment, and most fulfilling aspect of what you do?

    Posted by Jung Roe on 09/02/2019 at 13:14

    Hi Mona and Lisa

    I have a two part question for you for the new year.

    1..Over your 10+ years musical careers so far, what is your proudest or most memorable moment?  What particular performance, event, or accomplishment really stand out in your mind when you look back and reflect on your careers?

    2..As singer, song writer, and musician, what do you find to be the most fulfilling aspect of what you do?



    Richard McGlenn replied 5 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    09/02/2019 at 13:23

    Hi Jung, thanks for the great question, and please excuse my taking a bit of time to get back to your question but I wanted to think about this properly.

    I’ve been scanning over the past 10 years with your questions in mind. Weirdly, there isn’t one major event that jumps out to me straight away. It’s more of an overall feeling that I connect with certain memories, some more than others.

    There are the obvious things like playing the Cavern for the first time, finishing a new song we’re really proud of, meeting John Sebastian, some unforgettable shows with Steve Harley, holding “ORANGE” in our hands for the very first time, playing Glastonbury, our big London Showcase, the great experiences we had when shooting music videos etc.

    But really, the moments I found most fulfilling and “right”, were often reading the emails or comments from people who told us about the effect our music has had on their lives. Some messages literally left us in tears feeling nothing but happiness, gratitude, connection. We sensed that what we were doing was obviously so much more than just something we did because we enjoyed it, and we realised that our music had such a profound positive impact on some individuals out there, people we didn’t even know.

    When we were teenagers, for us it has started as the “thing we enjoy doing” but it has now become so much more than that for me. The fact that Dad & Michaela taught us and always believed in pursuing something worthwhile/meaningful over any convenience or fitting-in with the conventional status-quo played a massive part in what MLT has become, and of that I am now super proud. And also, that we’re doing all of that in the face of an industry that is pretty much pushing the opposite of taste, morals and values of what we believe in. So in addition to how great it feels to reach out and connect with people through our music, a big part for me is also HOW we do it that feels very “right” and yep, fulfilling 🙂

    It’s a wonderful thing to be part of. It’s everything but a walk in the park, and the pitfalls in the music industry are plentiful beyond belief, but we are trying to add as much joy and value to this planet for as long as we can before we check out 🙂

    Thanks for the question, Jung!

    • Richard McGlenn

      09/02/2019 at 20:46


      I will second that emotion. I’ve told your family and anyone that will listen that the positive message of your original music and the profound lyrics that you write in what is a second language to you all is amazing and something that the world needs to hear a lot more of. It was that way in the 60’s through the early 80’s and then MTV arrived and the songs and lyrics were geared more it seemed for the video that became required. Sadly the music and lyrics got raunchier and more sexual for the videos I think and lost it’s appeal to me. Also the music just wasn’t that good anymore as a general  rule. I mean all eras had crappy music in them including the 60’s but you didn’t have to wade through a sewer to find something you liked like now days.

      You know you will always have my support on this mission to reintroduce real music with real instruments and real musicians in an attempt to do what ever you can to counter the prevailing negative messages that society is being fed through all forms of the media. I’m betting you will make a positive impact on the rest of the world as much as you have mine in the past 5 years.

      We went to the funeral of a close family friend today who’s 29 year old son was killed in an auto accident and your music was playing in my head as I tried to come to grips with the tremendous emotional pain my friends were going through and it had a very calming affect on me during a very upsetting situation. Just like our family had to be there to share the pain of their loss of their only son to let his family know that we cared your music was there to keep me calmer. Your song “Once upon a Time” from the ORANGE album was the main song I was playing in my head. It seemed to suit the situation the best for me. Their son was a professional musician who played trumpet in a jazz band.

      So yes, you all are making a difference in many people’s lives and I hope many more will join in on the celebration of this thing we call life. I’ve always felt the best way to bring people together and make peace is through music and food. So let’s party.


    • Jung Roe

      10/02/2019 at 06:57

      Hi Lisa

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here about your musical journey and aspects of it that mean the most to you.  I know I have shared some personal things about myself and my family in the last couple of years and the wonderful impact your music has had for me, and many of your other fans have expressed the same to you too over the years, and the fact you chose reading about those as some of your most fulfilling parts of your career really speaks volumes about the kind of remarkable and thoughtful musical artists and wonderful people you both truly are.  🙂  You and your little sis Mona truly just want to make the world a better place through your music and bring joy to the world, and your parents, Rudi and Michaela, have done an absolute remarkable job raising you both into the wonderful and talented human beings you both have become.  Loved reading every word!   As Howard and Richard put it so eloquently, your music and everything you do brings so much joy and inspiration to our lives like a ray of sunshine.

      I can personally relate to one of your memorable moments when you “held Orange in your hands for the very first time…”.  I recall receiving the Orange download email Sept 29th 2017 just past midnight UK time (4PM the 28th here) when the album was released to the public and scrambling to download the songs and into my smart phone so I can listen to every beautiful note of the album undisturbed on head phones.  It felt like Christmas morn!  I hadn’t felt this kind of excitement for quite a while, and it’s these kinds of every day smaller things too that I speak of when you bring joy into our lives.  And there were the more moving moments when I saw and heard “The Wide, Wide, Land” video for the first time, and you said some very kind words about the loss of my mom in one of your first replies to my email I sent expressing gratitude for your music.   Watching the Wide, Wide, Land I could so relate to what my mom must have gone through when she use to smile in joy when I took her out to the wide open countryside and farmland near where I live in the car.   San Francisco was another song that reminded me a lot of my last meaningful holiday in San Francisco with my mom before she became afflicted with dementia years ago.  So your music had a big part in my year long healing process after my mom passed away from a 12 years battle with Alzheimers in 2016. 🙂

      On the music scene these days I think you are paving a new way for yourselves and other talented musical acts to follow on how to circumvent the flailing music industry and record labels, that are doing a disservice to the music world, and become successful creating truly good music like in the great song writing hey days of the past, doing it all your way.   In a CBC news report I uncovered recently  the “Bill Boards” music industry analysts are saying the population are looking back in time for good music because the new music today is so sad and mediocre.  People are fed up with todays music.

      The music world is getting more ripe for positive good music like yours and the likes of the Beatles from the past.  It’s great you are documenting your musical journey so well, as I forsee in the not too distant future after you’ve both conquered the music world and touched all corners of the earth with your music, they (the BBC, Rollng Stone Magazine and others) will do a documentary and write books about MLT and how you rose above the establishment and became successful on your own terms .  The way of the new music industry is being crafted out by MLT today, true pioneers!

      Thanks again Lisa!

      Yellow red hearts

      Here is that CBC clip about pop music today.  Forward to 40:11 to watch the clip.  (I posted previously on another thread here)


  • Howard

    10/02/2019 at 00:03

    And so say all of us Rich!

    My commiserations to you and your friends for their loss.

    Good music and good food are my favourite two passions in life (you can add a glass of red wine or two to the food). As they say in the classics, ‘If music be the food of love, play on’ (Twelfth Night, 1602).

    Lisa, you and your equally adorable and passionate sister deserve our gratitude for the joy and value you add to our lives. No matter what dark clouds may be on the horizon, you always introduce a little ray of sunshine and pleasure into our mostly quite ordinary lives!

    Your Dad & Michaela have taught you well. Hoping you are feeling the good vibes from around the world, while you enjoy the highlights of Eurovision from a distance.

    Your number one Australian fan,


  • Rudolf Wagner

    20/02/2019 at 22:47

    Thank you all for sharing your thoughts! Great to know that we’re all on the same page here and your stories and enthusiasm are the best evidence of music working its magic.

    Richard, we are so sorry to hear about what happened to your friend’s son. That’s just tragic! Music certainly isn’t going to make terrible things disappear but to know that our songs acted as a bit of a comfort blanket is beautiful. How great that melody, lyrics and harmonies can do that! All four of us send their love and wishes to you, your friend and his family. Appreciate you sharing this with us. Big ♥!

    • Jung Roe

      21/02/2019 at 01:02

      Hi Lisa

      Thanks for those kind words.  I’m really enjoying all your music and everything you’re doing.  Your music indeed is magic!????

      Much love and warmest wishes to yourself, Mona, and your parents.


    • Richard McGlenn

      21/02/2019 at 01:28

      Thanks Lisa,

      Music when in the hands of those with a positive spirit and good intent can be a great healer and means of bringing people together for the greater good. I’ve always had that feeling about what you, Mona, Rudi and Michaela have strived to do with your music. Anyone can make money, but making a difference in people’s life takes a good heart and a sincere effort to touch those you want to reach out to. I’m so very proud of what your family has chosen to do with your musical gifts. Keep the faith and never give up.

      Much love

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