MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Q #1 Lisa, batter up dear! You play much baseball?

  • Q #1 Lisa, batter up dear! You play much baseball?

    Posted by Michael Triba on 17/11/2018 at 16:44

    Or are you keener on Euro-football (soccer) or Brit cricket or 5K Mud Runs?  No worries; you are a quick learner methinks.  Please step up to the batter’s box so I can throw a 95-mph fast ball to you in the middle of the strike zone.  (No curve balls, no sliders, no knuckleballs.)

    Swing away because even if you do not, it will be a called Strike One!  Something tells me you’ll knock it into the upper deck bleacher seats on the very first pitch.

    Helpful Hint:  Feel free to use your blonde pinch hitter, your lovely manager, and/or your groovy coach to assist you.  Take your time; no hurries and no worries.  You and I don’t need to worry about all the crowd noise that is certain to come.

    (Editor’s note: Why is MLT2 Michael using baseball illustrations when the World Series is over, American football is still in season, and basketball season has just begun?  Go figure.)

    Here is the first pitch, young lady:  Did you ever have to make up your mind if touring America with John Sebastian, John Sebastian himself, might work?  He and his group were very well known and loved here.  I guess that was centuries ago, and John is still 6.5 years older than me.

    Nonetheless, it would be groovy if someone could help re-introduce you to America.  The California Dreaming was ten years ago, correct?  The groovy Steve Harley is still going strong and has worked some for England, and maybe could for all of Europe, but methinks not as many of us Yanks know his name.

    My candle is slowly burning and my bucket list dream of meeting you seems a bit more uncertain these days.  I hope the bleacher people exercise some restraint and allow you the time to respond here first, but if not, I guess it is what it is, eh?  Thank you, my dear friend!

    Howard replied 5 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Steve

    17/11/2018 at 23:33

    Triba looks in for the sign.  He winds and here’s the pitch. Wagner swings…….

    • Michael Triba

      18/11/2018 at 16:38

      Ha ha Steve; 2 reasons I won’t be looking for a sign:  1. There is no catcher, because it is assumed that Lisa will hit the first pitch.  2.  Even if there was a catcher, I have already given him the sign of a 95 mph fastball in the middle of the strike zone!

      Uh oh; I just thought of something.  What if Honus Wagner, “The Flying Dutchman” is in their bloodlines; yikes?  Do you think the “Lisa Wagner” and “Mona Wagner” baseballs cards will be worth as much as his?  Maybe, probably, definitely?  I have several of the MLT cards and I best put them under plastic and in mint condition, eh?

  • Jung Roe

    18/11/2018 at 09:52

    Michael, you might want to duck if you are pitching, because Lisa has a mean guitar swing that could take the pitchers head off.  smiley tongue

    • Michael Triba

      18/11/2018 at 16:44

      Very true Jung Roe.  But if she just hits a 95 mph fastball back to the mound, they best she can get is a single or be thrown out sliding into second with her metal spikes flying in the air.  It’s widely assumed she will hit a home run anyway.

      I know she likes to remove the heads of those she loves. (Very strange behavior methinks.)  We will outlaw her using a guitar at bat.  Maybe I better use a whiffle ball and give her a nerf bat; lol!

  • Steve

    18/11/2018 at 18:42

    MIchael I’m having a vision that when she cuts loose on your fastball you are going to experience a Charlie Brown moment.


    • Michael Triba

      18/11/2018 at 23:11

      ROTFLMAO  Steve!!!  Cracks me up too as I am kind of a blockhead!  I just hope like our buddy Charlie, I can keep my shorts on.  This is a family website as we all know!  Thanks to the Austra-British Wagners for keeping all the germs and riff-raff out!

      BTW guys, how in the world do you post all those groovy graphics in here?

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/11/2018 at 02:59

    Loving this banter here…lol…i like hockey and racecar racing….Ther’re my kinda sports….but bowling is my game first and foremost…..:)

    • Michael Triba

      19/11/2018 at 05:59

      Yeppers Purple Buzz Queen; I recall that you love fast times!  This reminds me of the old IFC days a little bit; lol!

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 05:46

    Well Mike, you certainly have created some activity here and probably frightened Lisa off in the process.

    Itso is correct. People from Liverpool are known as Liverpudlians.

    From Liverpool and puddle, as a pun on the “pool” of Liverpool. They are also called Scouse – The accent and dialect of Liverpool or Merseyside.

    ‘Till Death Us Do Part’ was a popular British sitcom from the sixties and the main character, Alf Garnett, was a notorious racist/bigot. He often called his son in law a scouse git, and sometimes a ‘randy scouse git’.

    ‘Randy Scouse Git’ is a song written by Micky Dolenz in 1967 and recorded by The  Monkees. He wrote it after watching an episode of the Sitcom. It became a #2 hit in the UK where it was retitled “Alternate Title” by the Record company, due to certain taboos in the UK.

    The linguist Alan Crosby has argued that the constant use of the phrase “Scouse git” with reference to Anthony Booth’s character spread both the word “Scouse” and negative stereotypes of Liverpudlians.

    What can we learn here? You may get away with calling the Twins ‘Liverpudlians’, but whatever you do, don’t ever suggest they are scouse, scousers, scouse gits or even worse, randy scouse gits! You may be more familiar with the American offshoot of the sitcom, ‘All in the Family’.

    Like Itso, I too was a draftee in the army, but not just for a few months unfortunately, but for two horrible years! We had conscription by birthday ballot during the war with Vietnam.

    As for Sebastian, I see he has a few live dates booked in for January and September next year. As he’s in his mid seventies, maybe he’s cutting down on his work load. I guess MLT would know more about his working arrangements than us!




    • Michael Triba

      19/11/2018 at 06:24

      Hey Howard!

      You really do your research!  You gave us a lot of interesting information here; thanks.

      I read you are from the groovy land down under.  Bee Gees are one of my All-Time Faves!  Olivia Newton-John too!

      I certainly hope Lisa answers my question, and her and Mona all of yours as well.  I would love to see them perform all over the free world.  That includes your country where they really began to master English, eh?




  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 10:11

    Hi Mike. My bio is under the name of ‘MLT Tragic from Downunder.’

    My full name is Stephen Howard Bedwell, but I have been called Howard since birth (a weird family reason I won’t go into now). I have never been called Howie. Some of my family called me Howdy when I was very young and my father called me by the first name that came into his head, and it wasn’t usually my name!

    Wasn’t much research involved as I have followed popular music closely since I was a young teenager. As for the land down under, it is more like where women glow and men ‘chunder’! We refer to Olivia as Olivia Newtron Bomb!

    Fortunately I didn’t have to go to Vietnam as I was in our second last intake of National Servicemen  which was February 1972 and by the time I had finished Basic and Corps training, our government stopped sending National Servicemen overseas and only regulars had to go. At the end of the year our conservative government was thrown out of office after being in power for 23 years and the new government, as one of it’s first two acts of parliament in a two man cabinet, abolished National Service immediately.

    My family watched ‘Till Death Us Do Part’ in the sixties and early seventies but I wouldn’t watch it now as I consider myself to be more sophisticated now (didn’t take much), and I think that sort of humour just doesn’t cut it anymore. I’m more into the British ‘Monty Python’ and John Clease’s ‘Fawlty Towers’ type humour and more recently, Rowan Atkinson’s ‘Black Adder’ and ‘Mr Bean’ etcetera.

    We are very much the same generation as I will turn 67 in three weeks. Did you get a birthday surprise from the twins? I’d say my hair is mostly grey and my eyes a greeny blue (would that be hazel?).

    I was born in Armidale, NSW but didn’t live there for long as my family moved around a lot. Most of my education was at Sydney where we lived for about nine years but I have been living in Brisbane, Queensland for most of my life now. This is the city where the Bee Gees grew up and went to school.

    A good number of our top musicians (the EasyBeats, AC/DC, some of the Little River Band, Masters Apprentices, etcetera), hail from Adelaide in South Australia (mainly meeting in migrant camps in the sixties). This is the City where a young Mona and Lisa spent the last six months of their schooling.

    Well I think that’s enough about me, at least for now. Can’t wait to read Lisa’s response to your question. I think you may have thrown bit of a curve ball, or as we would say in cricket here, a swinger or a googly perhaps!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    20/11/2018 at 22:31

    Hi Michael,

    “Did you ever have to make up your mind if touring America with John Sebastian, John Sebastian himself, might work?” Seems like a clever way of dressing up the “When are you coming to America” question ;-P
    It’s on our bucket list but for the time being touring isn’t in the cards yet.

    In this day and age going on tour and playing live has to be very well financed, planned and executed to be worthwhile. We learned from watching the history of other bands and the current state of the music industry – even the most well-known bands are struggling to break even. We’ll definitely get back on stage eventually but we have a whole lot of things we need to work on before that to make touring a sensible endeavour.

    As to John Sebastian. We chatted with him on the phone just a few days ago and he is in the best of spirits enjoying life and music 🙂 It would be less a matter of making up our minds but what makes sense for everyone involved. “Touring America” is something that sounds easy and romantic but in reality looks a bit different, especially for Europeans.

    However, in our own interest, we’re trying our hardest and bestest to move quickly and hopefully will get to travel more of the planet when the time is ripe to do so.

    • Michael Triba

      21/11/2018 at 00:29

      Hi there Miss Lisa; thank you so much!  Actually my main motivation in even asking you any question is to see your lovely, smiling face in that little round circle; lol!

      Thanks for calling me clever.  That does happen every so often and Lenore might even agree with you at times!  Actually the question might partially address the “when” but maybe also the “what” and the “how.”

      Yes, our buddy Itso and others on the East side of The Pond, have often told us of the Visa problems the Euros have coming over here to the West side, as opposed to the Yanks coming to your side.  Huge logistics and expenses methinks.

      Great to hear that John Sebastian is faring well!  I really love his involvement in your projects; those that you indicated long ago in your “Daydream” cover video.  Did you realize that was the first time I ever heard the speaking voices of you and your twin?  (Made me swoon and still does.)

      I did take the opportunity to follow that duo for a weekend that I wrote Mona about, and sent you and her their CD.  (After I gave them my first ORANGE from you.)  I saw first-hand how much work it was to set up a gig (as fellow indies they have no roadies), and how exhausted they were at the end of a gig.

      I will be content with following your careers in whatever direction you choose to take them.  I have always thought that the British Isles would be the first region you would conquer, then the rest of Europe, and then here in North America perhaps.  I will endeavor to be patient.  You have already richly rewarded me for finding you two and a half years ago.

      P.S.  I knew you would hit my fastball out of the park!  Please tell baby sister not to worry about November 30.  I’m gonna lob a gentle softball to her.

      Much obligated young lady, and please spread my love, from me to you and your family.

      MLT2 Michael

  • Steve

    20/11/2018 at 23:49

    Lisa, that’s the answer I fully expected.  I believe you discussed briefly this somewhere either here on in one of your YouTube Q&A’s.  I can appreciate the immense undertaking it takes to plan and execute a major tour and there’s no guarantee you’ll come out ahead.  You guys are smart to wait until the timing is right and not to rush into it.  Everything in its own time, that’s what I always say.

  • Steve

    21/11/2018 at 01:48

    Mike, if you really want to know the truth, you have to look through a glass onion.


    • Michael Triba

      21/11/2018 at 02:05

      Steve, John probably did not know the complete truth when he died much too young.  He was fearless in defying lies and helped lead our generation in questioning the status quo.

      Even so, if you put the face of a certain red-head or blonde, we might be getting somewhere!  They also seek what is right and decent.

      Thanks for helping me build this thread.  I want to see it be the first one to 50.  Do you or Howard or Jacki know the record so far?

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/11/2018 at 02:31

    Love Lisa’s reply????… Classic Lisa…OmahaMike’s day was made????????????????????

    • Michael Triba

      21/11/2018 at 02:51

      Yes it was, Ms. Hopper, yes it was!  You just showed me you still know me pretty well.  We knew that Lisa would hit my pitch out of the park on the very first swing, didn’t we?  We have come to know the entire Wagner family is uber-talented and also uber-intelligent, eh?

      This place is really buzzing groovy!  It is similar to Intergalactic, but with the entire Wagner family participating!

      Thanks Jacki!  Question #2 will be addressed to Mona on November 30th.  Be there or be square (or groovified)!  😉

  • Howard

    21/11/2018 at 03:12

    I’m afraid I have to disagree with you about John Lennon and his contemporaries. Lennon was a seeker of the truth and despised the deceptiveness, lies and hypocrisy of society, as exemplified in his song ‘Gimme Some Truth!’

    As for the record number of replies, I wouldn’t know, but Tim would have to be close to having the most number of replies, many of them from me, much to Tim’s consternation I would imagine!

  • Michael Triba

    18/11/2018 at 16:29

    Would they be considered the Austrian Twins, or because they were traded in 2014, the Liverpoolian Twins?  Or maybe like I have dubbed them, the Austra-British Twins?

  • Christomir Rackov

    18/11/2018 at 23:58

    Mike, I believe the adjective derived from the name “Liverpool” is “Liverpudlian” 😉

    As if the city was named a “Lifer puddle”, instead of a “Lifer pool”…LOL True story.

  • Michael Triba

    19/11/2018 at 01:04

    Ha ha Captain Itso; I am certain you are correct once again!!!

    For those gentle readers who do not know Christomir aka Itso, he was actually a Lieutenant in the Bulgarian Army.  I call him Captain sometimes, because I do not know how to spell Lieutenant.

    Also, even though English is my first and really only language (I know a little Espanol desde secondario escuala y univeridad), I still learn about the King’s English from him.  Pay attention here you Yanks and Brits:  This man is a linguistic expert in his own right about many Euro languages.  If you challenge him you very well may end up with eggs on your faces; lol!

  • Christomir Rackov

    19/11/2018 at 03:14

    A lieutenant? :О Nah, I was just a draftee soldier, a private. And I only spent several (difficult) months in the army…

  • Michael Triba

    19/11/2018 at 06:04

    Oops sorry Christomir; I got wires crossed.  I was a Pvt E-3 in USAR.  I can still refer to you as Captain?  I like the ring of that!

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