• Chris Weber

    16/06/2023 at 01:03

    Interesting. I’ve always really liked that song and both Queen and Bowie too of course. It’s very good.

    It looks like they built this up a track at a time in separate places?

    I’m not sure how you could do it all playing together that far away; you’d have latency issues. You know, how would you sync it together?

    I have no idea what that little 2 octave keyboard is atop the piano. (?) And it sounds like the patch from it changes, not sure how he’s controlling that either.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    16/06/2023 at 03:20

    There’s no way of doing that live, even if you had the fastest of internet and the latency is just a fraction of a second, it’s still enough to keep every off the beat. Even if you had a click track, the latency varies, so it’s not possible for all to be in sync. They all recorded separately and then edited it together. I suspect they email the audio tracks to each other and build it like you would at a studio when artists come in separately to do their parts. Once the song is mixed and done, they all record themselves lip-synching/mimicking to the final audio track. There’s a lot going on with the synth, including finger snaps, etc. so it’s impossible to film an accurate representation. You can pretend there’s someone off camera changing the patches as the song progresses. 😉

    However, it’s them playing in the recording and I’m astounded at the vocals, I’ve never heard anyone sound so close to Freddy. Freddy was so unique, it’s mind-blowing. I heard Marc Martel (doing Freddy) did the voice of Freddy for the Queen movie Bohemian Rhapsody.

    • Chris Weber

      16/06/2023 at 18:06

      Yep. That’s how a couple other musicians I know of do some of their sessions too. Get it right in the studio first, and then make it look good.

      He really does sound like Freddy in some of that.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    16/06/2023 at 05:09

    Here is another take on “Under Pressure”. This girl has some great covers. I like this one. She did a kool one for “Space Oddity”, too.


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