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  • Howard

    30/01/2020 at 03:25

    I didn’t mention motorbikes or scooters Jacki. I was referring to a powered bicycle you could pedal (great exercise), but with power when needed (eg. hills or with loads). It makes sense in today’s climate changing world. There is an incredible range of electric powered people transport systems out there (one wheel, two wheels, three wheels and four wheels). Those Nascar cars, trucks and muscle cars are very expensive to own and to run and they are not very friendly environmentally.

    Internal combustion engines are going the way of the horse and cart and the dinosaurs.

  • Jung Roe

    30/01/2020 at 06:06

    Howard, then I take it you’re into these E Bikes now over internal combustion motorcycles?

    E Bike

    I like the fake gas tank!  🙂  🙂  🙂

  • Howard

    30/01/2020 at 06:21

    Certainly Jung. I’m currently researching E-bikes to replace my current bicycle and expect to be into my first one by the end of the year, but not quite like the one you have pictured. I may keep my Moto Guzzi, California 1400 as a classic motorcycle museum piece for special occasions only!

    I think electric transport will take over quite rapidly in Europe but will take much longer in Australia because of our much smaller population and lack of appropriate infrastructure. I’m not sure what the situation is in Canada.

  • Jung Roe

    30/01/2020 at 06:58

    In my city in Canada our over eager environmental mayor has eliminated one lane on many major bridges and most streets in the city core and converted them into bike lanes.  Cyclists are now a hazard to the pedestrians as they think traffic signal and rules don’t apply to them.  So now in rush hour, we have 200 cars unable to move because of the gridlock created by the loss of lanes, idling and injecting more harmful fumes into the environment, while a handful of  cyclists that live in the downtown core can travel unimpeded on the completely empty bike lanes.  I’m all for saving the environment and promoting cycling etc, but balanced with common sense and proper planning.

  • Howard

    30/01/2020 at 07:46

    It’s been no different here Jung. However, these issues are worked through and gradually remedied. The situation will change as more people are encouraged to take up cycling. It has already happened here and we now have many off road dedicated cycling paths as well as on road paths. We also have cycling/pedestrian only bridges where pedestrians and cyclists have separate lanes.

    It takes a little time for people to come to appropriate arrangements that suit everybody. Society had similar issues to deal with when transitioning from horse power at the turn of the 19/20th century. Initially a person holding a red flag had to walk in front of horseless carriages and all sorts of restrictions were placed on self powered vehicles.

    We are currently going through a similar transport revolution and some people, particularly the fossil fuel industry, will resist change at all cost.

    The Canadian mayor you refer to needs to be commended and supported. The next thing they need to do is improve the public transport system to get even more people out of their gas guzzling, carbon belching vehicles.

    We are building a new cross city rail system (mostly underground), plus a new metro (bus) system (mainly above ground). In Sydney they have just built a new light rail system (electric), running along the main street, replacing buses and banning cars altogether from a large part of the city centre. In the process, cycling lanes have been improved and the uptake of cyclists riding into the city is much greater and safety is also much better for pedestrians, who now have more space. We don’t need cars blocking and polluting our modern cities. We need to stop thinking about the needs of vehicles and think more about the needs and health of our cities and their people.

  • Jacki Hopper

    31/01/2020 at 00:08

    Ottawa has bike only lanes downtown and as such… Controversial from all sides… Pedestrians/Drivers/Cyclists… All  Have pros/cons about it….

    I, myself don’t ride bicycles, never was keen on them, certainly never rode on roads because where I lived, no sidewalks until way off in the distance from our house and me being so tiny, and with good reason, my parents and I agreed to not have me go riding out beyond our house property and surrounding area and only at summer  nights after rush hour or on Wknds with my 2 older bros, alongside me when hardly any traffic, was I allowed to ride my bike… And I was still nervous…

    I enjoyed instead being pulled in the wagon or riding in trailer attached to Grandpa’s farm tractor IH Farmall Cub Model #???) , the , driving the lawn tractor /Grandpa’s farm tractor….

    So.. I’m a tractor/car/truck gal, not into bikes of any kind or scooters…. Lol

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/02/2020 at 00:43

    Ahhh… The Hair-larious Hair Raising Poem has arrived :

    “MLTBuzz Hair Groovy”

    Tweak and Dye

    Wet then dry

    Curly or Straight

    Braiding and Twisting

    Hair strands even cooperating and listening

    Long ago Mona and Lisa

    Their hair were similar and fairly alike

    Then around ten

    Independence struck then

    A little

    With an allowance of a colour streak

    How sleek and cool

    They loved it

    No fool

    As they got older

    And grew up more

    Somehow their current look of red and yellow

    Took on its own folklore

    Yet again the Hair story takes on another chapter

    Growing longer

    Bangs or not

    Darker hues sneaking in by alot

    Don’t be distraught

    It varies and changes alot

    Could make easily

    For their own little movie

    “The History of Their Hair Horizon”

    Perhaps keep your eyes open and upon on

    Wouldn’t it be quite the doozy?!

    MLTBuzz Hair Groovy…

    ©JackiHopper2020 ~


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