• Quiche Lorraine

    Posted by David Herrick on 16/05/2019 at 02:40

    “Quiche Lorraine”

    (Weird Al was right:  it’s easy to write about food!)


    The temperature I’ve set at four twenty-five

    To pre-heat:  not one degree less.

    In the ice chest I’m completing my quest

    For some meat.  It’s bacon, I guess.

    I’m tired of eating by convention.  Too many hamburgers to mention.

    Can’t keep this urge on a leash:  I would die for a quiche.


    With onions and peas, and some eggs and Swiss cheese,

    It would seem it ought to be nice.

    Completing my plan, to the crust in the pan

    I add cream, pepper, salt, and some spice.

    This is exactly what I’m after.  I feel my heart is beating faster.

    A voice deep inside me says “Sheesh, I would kill for a quiche.”


    Oh, quiche Lorraine:  a pretty nice meal.  Just follow the recipe.

    Spicy or plain, the taste will make you go insane.


    I get out a plate, and I sit there and wait,

    Knowing soon I’m gonna be fed.

    A fork would be right, but I’m thinking I might

    Use a spoon for it instead.

    I grab an oven mitt and holder.  I cannot wait till it gets colder.

    I open the door and I reach, and I pull out my quiche.


    Oh, quiche Lorraine:  a pretty nice meal.  Just follow the recipe.

    Spicy or plain, the taste will make you go insane.


    My mouth is open and swinging toward the spoonful I am bringing.

    My lips are allowing the breach.  Now I’m eating my quiche.


    Oh, quiche Lorraine:  a pretty nice meal.  Just follow the recipe.

    Spicy or plain, the taste will make you giddy.

    Oh, quiche Lorraine:  a pretty nice meal.  What a gift to humanity.

    Spicy or plain, the taste will make you giddy.

    Get your fingers sticky.  Quiche will make you go insane.


    (Note on units:  outside the U.S., pre-heat to 225 rather than 425 .)


    Howard replied 5 years, 4 months ago 7 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    16/05/2019 at 02:48

    Brilliant David… Got me chuckling while on bus heading home… I’ve got to tackle doing up one of these…. The parodies… Not the Quiche… Sheesh…. I ‘ve got Poetic Reach found my niche but you could teach … Loved this one the best so far as my fave of your stuff… Thanks Dave for conjuring up… You need to create your own blog for your stuff like I have for my poetry .. I’ d follow your blog…

    • David Herrick

      16/05/2019 at 12:43

      Thank you, Jacki, et al.  I really lucked out on this one, in that a lot of the phrases were so phonetically similar to the originals that they just wrote themselves.  But I’m feeling creatively spent right now, so I’ll happily pass the baton to you.

      A blog might not be a bad idea; thanks for the suggestion.  I’ve long had a vague dream that someday I would develop some musical talent and make a CD, but the days are dwindling now, as is my potential for learning new tricks.


  • Jung Roe

    16/05/2019 at 05:01

    I concur, that is brilliant David!

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/05/2019 at 05:15

    Hey David…. This is not a parody but I had this conjure up in my mind just now:

    ” ParodyMan Dave”

    Though as of recent

    He became keen

    I’m referring to the Groovy MLTBuzzing Music Scene

    And has shared with us here

    A talents of sorts

    Where he takes an MLT song

    And excels in Creative Parody Sports

    Quite impressed

    Great way to become destressed

    Putting creativity thinking cap to the test

    Gives it his best

    And funny as hell

    In fact they’re fab swell

    Can you tell?!

    All good

    And Positively worth the rave

    Of this new crave of creative wave

    Applause if you will

    Give it Up

    For Parodyman Dave…

    ©JackiHopper2019 ~





    • David Herrick

      16/05/2019 at 12:48

      Wow, Jacki, I don’t know what to say.  No one to my knowledge has ever written poetry about me.  I am very honored.  Thank you!


  • Howard

    16/05/2019 at 05:35

    Well done again Dave and let’s also hear it for the brilliant “Weird Al” Yankovic!

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    16/05/2019 at 11:40

    Good one, Dave! 🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/05/2019 at 16:50

    Hi Dave:   You’re welcome :)… That’s what got conjured up in my mind so that’s what transpired .. Glad you like it.


    I had also did up a poem for Tomas  on here about his Aunt Lorraine’s passing… As I say… When something inspires or strikes a profound chord within me… It spawns creative output….

  • Stephen Krogh

    17/05/2019 at 23:01

    David, you da parody man alright. Really enjoyed this. And Jacki, you’re inspired as always! So creative and funny as can be!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    23/05/2019 at 17:12

    Guess what I’m making for dinner tonight 😉

    • David Herrick

      23/05/2019 at 18:20

      Wonderful!  I hope you’re not following my recipe, though.  I only threw in the peas for the sake of a rhyme.


  • Jacki Hopper

    23/05/2019 at 20:43

    Groovy… MLT’s version of Quiche Lorraine… Ought be a tasty treat!!…. Enjoy….

  • Jung Roe

    24/05/2019 at 00:53

    I can almost smell the MLT Quiche Lorraine here.  Mouth waters as dinner time approaches out here. ?

  • Jacki Hopper

    24/05/2019 at 01:13

    Aromatic Grooviness impermiates amongst our musical tastebuds allowing for its tantalizing music morsels to be enjoyed… Hearty and Filling… With a nice cup of one’s fave tea or beverage of choice… MLTBuzzing Ambience…. A pleasant musical dining experience indeed…

  • David Herrick

    24/05/2019 at 03:51

    My inner perfectionist has been face-palming for the past week over my use of “completing” in two different places in the song, when there were many other serviceable verbs available.  So in the interest of facial healing, I’d like to replace the first instance of that word with “concluding”.  There, all better now.


  • Howard

    24/05/2019 at 09:45

    I tend to think maybe Lisa and Mona are serenading themselves over dinner with the Quiche Lorraine version of their song, rather than the food version!

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