• Timothy Connelly

    13/11/2018 at 04:47

    Hi Jerry,

    Not Mona or Lisa here!

    I just took a look at Radio Airplay and it looks to me like you might be on to something. I wasn’t able to determine how expensive it is after the 10 free plays per week or how many people it would actually reach.
    I wound up purchasing more than $100 worth of stuff from an artist named Jenny Bruce from an old website that played her music and turned me on to her. So I know this kind of thing can work.

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    13/11/2018 at 15:17

    Thanks for your input, Tim. I read some guys review of it and he said he was on the  $30 a month plan. He said he got the most bang for his buck on that plan. Seems like a small amount to pay to begin building a US audience. But, I don’t know. I hope more people will comment on this issue.

  • Howard

    14/11/2018 at 03:00

    Hi Jerry. There has been a discussion about this Topic previously. Just punch ‘Radio’ into the ‘Search Forum’ Tab!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    14/11/2018 at 17:28

    Hi Jerry,

    Thanks a lot for thinking of ways to help us, that’s awesome!

    We know about RadioAirPlay/Jango as we had looked into that about 6 years ago, and back then it was a simple pay-to-play (payola) and one of the many “promise everything under the sun” music marketing sites that are addressing independent bands. Unfortunately, in the end they’re nearly always just taking advantage of the millions of independent bands that are looking for that one thing to “make it”.

    From our experience in the past, and friends who have paid a lot of money for nothing to similar sites, we don’t think they can do anything noteworthy for us.

    But like I said – we always appreciate you guys wanting to help us, and if you ever stumble over something you think that might be of interest for us, just let us know anyway, so we can check it out. There are certainly many things, especially in America, that we’ve never heard about, and we’re always eager to learn something new.

    • Michael Triba

      19/11/2018 at 01:44

      Hey there Mona and Jerry!  Once upon a time I stumbled upon an Internet “music site for indies.”  I built a personal station of 112 songs and 40 artists and through perseverance, hard work, and many hours, my station achieved a “worldwide ranking” of #3.  I mainly wanted to promote my artists through it.

      The leader never really asked for money, but did make it known that the site was in trouble unless donations helped with the money for the servers.  Unfortunately, I sent some funds, but luckily not a lot.

      A year ago this month, I helped an American duo get 2 “prestigious” awards there.  You know who they are; I sent you their CD after I gave them one of yours.  Sadly, I no longer even listen to their music much, and I feel bad about that.

      I will never go back to that site, even though at one time it meant a lot to me and I spent countless hours there.  I tried to delete my station, but checked last week and it is still there.  I’ll just leave it there to rot.  I derived some enjoyment there, but I learned my lesson well.

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    14/11/2018 at 21:11

    Thanks, Mona! Lots of Love! ????


  • Howard

    15/11/2018 at 00:57

    Well at least we have the MLT Club and its Jukebox, which is much better value than Spotify or anything else I’ve seen so far!

  • Jung Roe

    19/11/2018 at 09:41

    Right now with my MLT Club membership and the Jukebox I can get 7 x 24 MLT music on my smartphone over the internet airwaves anywhere I go.  If there is a way to get this Jukebox out to the masses some how, MLT have their Radio airwave over the internet globally to reach millions.  Question is how can the Jukebox get out to the masses?  Free app with advertising to cover costs?

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 11:55

    Hi Jung. I think they might run into copyright issues with the covers recordings in their jukebox. This is the reason they haven’t been able to produce a DVD of their 2007 concert. If not copyright issues, there could be other complications that make it not a viable option for them. Actually, I believe Mona or Lisa may have already addressed this issue. I’ll see if I can find their post.

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 12:34

    Actually Jung, you just need to go back about five posts in this feed to find Mona’s answer!

  • Jung Roe

    19/11/2018 at 19:20

    Howard.   Mona did mention in another thread a while back of the high royalty fees involved if they did a DVD of covers, but with their Jukebox I don’t think it applies.  They are streaming their original and covers songs today to the MLT Club members with the Jukebox, so to open that up some how for the masses I don’t think would be any different.  I am not suggesting they charge for the jukebox streaming per play so there should be no royalty issues, but I am suggesting advertisement played on the jukebox streamed to the masses (just like on regular radio) maybe to help cover the high internet streaming, and or any internet broadcasting licensing costs that could be involved.  I don’t know what those costs would be.  A free jukebox app might be the vehicle to get the Jukebox on peoples mobile devices.  If it’s a free app that promises to deliver hours of free wonderful 60’s music played by the MLT as well as MLT 60’s inspired original music, it could be compelling to many.

    The benefit would be the airplay and exposure of their original and cover music they could get by pushing their music out over the internet airwaves, and hopefully be able to make revenue by millions of people discovering their music this way, and if they like it they can purchase the albums or download tracks from MLT website, Amazon etc.

    MLT record their own music, they have their own record label, their own internet store, Youtube channel etc, so why not have their own radio station streaming over the world wide web and not rely on someone else to play their music on the airwaves.

    Just my 2 cents thinking out loud.  smile

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