MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Recent Facebook Restrictions for Canadians ….

  • Recent Facebook Restrictions for Canadians ….

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 15/09/2023 at 15:30

    While I’m not sure if this is anyway part of / reason why Facebook is acting up, hacking, etc, recently, but in Canada, Facebook-Meta/Instagram has put restriction on News related stuff for Canadian Facebookers and Instagrammers , meaning Canadians for time being, can’t access or have news on Facebook/Instagram and can only access on the news apps specifically or try and find where on internet they can access, and I’m wondering and hoping this is not the case, but the reason why MLT’s Official FB is acting up for me anyways, as I’m only seeing older posts showing up , unless others are too, has something to do with this restriction placed upon Canadian FBers and IG-ers ….. or a hack /FB issue within itself causing the frustrating grief …

    All I hope for is tgat it can hopefully be fixed and all will be fully #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified restored ionce more to enjoy, embrace by All …..

    Antonio Lima replied 1 year ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Dana Hart

    15/09/2023 at 21:04

    When I look at their FB page the newest post says- MLT updated their cover photo, Nov 2, 2019 and says their NEW Christmas album is out now. Been this way for a while. Thought their account got hacked but maybe is new blocker?

  • Phil Whitley

    15/09/2023 at 22:52

    I have the same problem. I sent a Message to them about this a week or more ago on FB and in the MLT Club but got no response. I don’t know how to find out anything about the FB issue.

    • Chris Weber

      15/09/2023 at 23:13

      I’m in the US and I see the 2019 Christmas content on Facebook too.

      I don’t see any mention of this issue in the Support and Suggestions page.

      Maybe that page is only for issues with this site, not Facebook, I don’t know.

      But it might not be a bad idea to mention it there.

      Which I will do.

  • Antonio Lima

    16/09/2023 at 00:43

    It’s happening to me here in Brazil too, I only see old posts and the post about the launch of the Christmas album is the first one that appears in the feed.

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