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  • record companies

    Posted by John Leonard on 15/11/2020 at 20:18

    i watched your interview on the internet show and noticed when the interviewer mention that he knew someone that was involved with columbia records you politely thanked him for spreading the word about you but you seemed hesitant about taliking about it. my question is have you had a bad experience with people other the mlt team in regards to the handling of your music

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 8 months ago 8 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    15/11/2020 at 20:18

    Hi John,
    We’re very happy with what we have built up over the years and how we have “structured our business”. Being signed to a big label with a typical contract would most likely put us in a much worse position than we are at this point.

    Many people around us including close friends as well as our own dad have had major label deals in the past (or do currently have) and it’s not the golden ticket that a lot of people still think is it. It can be quite the opposite if you don’t know what you’re doing, or pointless when you have other means to run and control your own career.

    When people hear things like “Universal Music” and “Sony” they usually think of the few handfuls of mega superstars that are signed with them but there is a lot more to it. Most major labels have been in touch with us but there is a reason we are still running our own label and will for the foreseeable future. 🙂

    So all that might explain why we didn’t react overly enthusiastic to that comment in the interview although it was of course a nice gesture. Besides, we don’t think a public interview would be the best place to talk business either 😉

    We always appreciate people spreading the word and if something comes of it and if good collaborations fall into place, then that’s great but we are very happy with what we have going on right now!

    I hope that answers your questions!
    Have a groovy day,
    Mona & Lisa

  • Jung Roe

    16/11/2020 at 02:52

    Kudos to Team MLT for creating your music and navigating your journey on your own terms.  Your music is that much more true and pure because you’ve kept the commercial influence of the music industry out of your art.  That’s why your music can touch so deeply and have a profound impact on people.  It’s music from your hearts, that’s truly free and artistic, unlike the canned and processed formulaic music the record labels push artists to conform to.

    I’d rather listen to your art that makes me feel something, than be entertained by some song that is nothing more than a different variation of the same “wahwah” I’ve heard a thousand times which is what most modern record label music seems to be today.


  • John Leonard

    16/11/2020 at 03:22


    that was the answer i expected . i have a few books about artists and the record industry, hence the reason for the question, and most tell of many compromises that had to be endured and many regrets.

    a artist has a vision for their music and the last thing they want is some bean counter telling them to compromise their dreams.

    i’m sure you know of the beatles early days. not letting ringo play, wanting them to play songs they did not want to and some one else owning their songs.

    thank you for responding.

    john l

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/11/2020 at 18:14

    And I’m in favour of creative people, whether it be musicians, artists, etc…. They should follow their own instincts, carve out their own niche, follow their own path, because after all, to do what you truly love and believe in and have control over it  versus having someone  else’s  “idea of control over how it all should be, etc” . far outweighs all else. It’s up to people to decide what  and/or  if they are open minded and be willing to perservere or not…

  • Michael Rife

    19/11/2020 at 19:43


    A great, thoughtful answer.  Many musicians I speak to have gone independent or are on Blue Elan which is very much a “hands-off” recording company.  In the 1970s there were so many “horror” stories about musicians and record companies.  So, I would vote to keep MLT as a cottage company (as if I have a vote!!) and from what I have seen it has worked out well so far.


  • Thomas Randall

    21/11/2020 at 00:06

    I say keep doing what you’re doing team MLT, once you get involved with a company they basically “own” you and you have to do their bidding. The record business is a LOT different today than it was years ago. Sadly. I’m sure Papa Rudi can attest to that.

  • Kevin Hinson

    09/12/2020 at 04:49

    Im going to comment on this and it may sound a bit selfish… and indeed it is.   I hope you never sign with a big label company.  You are making your own music, controlling your  own destiny and best of all…its available for anyone willing to join the MLT club and gain access to everything basically. A very small price to pay IMO.  However, with that being said, whatever happens that generates you the most wealth  without having to sell your soul to the devil, I wish you the best!!!  Ill listed to you as long as I live no matter how or where you release the next tune.  I believe that media outlets  like YouTube  is truly the way of the future.  It may be a different company that comes along but the format is there for the biggest stage in the world.

  • Bill Isenberg

    06/01/2021 at 00:04

    Mona and Lisa, I am so happy your on path your on. I have said in the past that these days it seems record company presser acts to put music out for the stock holders and in some cases? It is usually not a good choice and not what the artist wants so doing what you both are doing along with pa pa and michelle is point on. It is called longevity and sucess and love for your craft. My hats off to you all at MLT and so gald I am a club member.

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