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  • Recording Contract

    Posted by Tom Fones on 27/04/2021 at 23:31

    Dear MonaLisa,
    save this for Music-Biz Q&A #3 (when and if)

    I am just wondering if you all have thought and written a recording contract
    which you would be willing to commit to – just for the exercise –
    and to be able to say to record execs what you need.
    I am sure that you have seen a few and have some idea what’s not acceptable.

    Also have you looked into independent labels started by other artists?
    Mailboat Records by Jimmy Buffett comes to mind – but i am sure there are others.

    I have heard the Go-Gos say that there is no end of pressure
    to push out a 2nd album after the 1st one is a success.

    I have read that the Grateful Dead spent their lives on the road,
    stressing relationships and causing other health issues.

    Ladies if you are happy the way things are – we are happy.

    Thomas Randall replied 3 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/04/2021 at 23:32

    Thanks Thomas,

    We haven’t written out anything specifically because there hasn’t been a need for it. If we get approached with a contract we have a pretty good idea of what we would cross out/leave in (probably not much would be left). In our case, a normal record contact, even if it was set up somewhat fairly, would still be mostly redundant as we already do so much of our production “in house”.

    So if we were to work with companies/labels/managers etc. it would only ever be for specific projects and time frames and it’s hard to plan that in advance for things that have not happened yet.

    We do have our own label called “Woolgoose Records” through which we have released all our albums so far, so we’ve got that covered too! 🙂

    Things have been working out great until now and we are sure, now more than ever, that we’ve chosen the right track. 🙂 Thanks for the question, though!

  • Thomas Randall

    29/04/2021 at 00:27

    I agree that MLT has chosen the right track to follow. The record industry isn’t what it used to be. STAY THE COURSE MLT!

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