I couldn’t resist having a listen to some of the new material on the Volumes 2 & 3. My observations. Hey Bulldog was what I hoped to hear and that’s you guys having as much fun at the end as John and Paul did on the video and playing the same funky style that the Beatles did. I still say it’s one of their most underrated songs and deserved a spot better than on the Yellow Submarine LP.
White Room, well Mona, I could close my eyes and hear Ginger Baker on the drums. You nailed that to perfection in my opinion. I loved how you used your voices for the opening and where it was repeated later. I wondered how you would do that and I think it came off really well.
Time of the Season, I fully expected a Rudi organ solo in the middle but when I heard Lisa I was blown away and it made me wish I could hear her do Jose Feliciano’s version of Light My Fire. You are a fabulous guitarist. In fact, you should check out John Fahey’s The Yellow Princess. Great guitar work and I bet you could play that every bit as good.
You Really Got Me, I always thought the Kink’s middle solo was just something, who was it, Ray Davies, did on the fly and probably could never repeat it. Well you did.
Glass Onion, perfect. Was that Mona on, what was it, a flute? I also wondered what the ending would sound like and no surprise there. If the Beatles could do it, MLT could do it just as well if not better.
The thing that really impresses me is how you nail every last little detail of the songs you cover. Take Hey Bulldog for instance, you added that little “yeah” after Big Man that I think came from Ringo. Most bands doing that song would probably miss that.
The ones I didn’t comment on I didn’t listen to because I want something to look forward to when my parcel shows up. Do I have any complaints with any MLT song that I’ve listened to? Has any of your songs disappointed me? Are there any I don’t want to listen to anymore? The answer to all three questions is a resounding NO. You guys are all I listen to anymore. I think you girls are fabulous and I just wish more of the world knew of you. Heck it took me 10 years to discover you and had it not been for Google Cards, I might still be missing out on the best thing to come along since the Fab 4. I’m doing my part. I’m continually sharing your videos on my FB page in hopes that I can recruit some new fans. And all I can say is those that ignore what I share, well, it’s their loss. I love you guys and you continue to put a smile on my face when I listen to you. But then I should expect that. After all, it is company policy. Thank you for all you do. You’ve made this fan extremely happy. Now if you could find it in your hearts to bless me with my favorite Beatles song, Nowhere Man.