MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion How Chuck Berry’s – “Roll Over Beethoven” defined Rock and Roll

  • Michael Rife

    10/10/2020 at 12:44

    Hi Joe;

    I grew up in eastern West Virginia which was located 90 miles west of DC……so our local TV stations were in DC and Baltimore.  I spent 23 years there.  The next 3 in Virginia (grad school). The next 15 in Charlotte, NC.  The next 8 in the Chicago area.  The next 6 in the Portland OR area and now the last 12 in the Boston area.  I would say the most racist place I’ve lived was the Chicago area.  I couldn’t believe what people said and thought there.  Other than that my accent, which started out southern, has been totally rearranged…….somewhere between southern and midwest…..I will not pick up the accent that is here around Boston,  Mike.

  • Joseph Manzi

    10/10/2020 at 14:24

    Good morning Mike,

    That’s funny you won’t pick up Boston accent. They do speak strange.

    So since you were born in West Virginia and lived in Virginia too. You must of listen to FM radio station WHFS. I have a good friend of mine who lives in Burke, VA. The reason I know that station. My friend Jim, won a contest to DJ on that station. He made copies of his shows he did and gave them to me.  Actually Jim is a big reason why I like country music today. I never like country back then is was either Rock & Roll, Blues and Soul for me.

    Wow! I would not live in Chicago for all the money in the world. A crazy town. Too many shooting. Especially over the weekend…Nuts.. And Portland is another crazy place now. Too much destruction. America need to get it’s act together. That’s all I will say on that. If I get started I won’t stop.

    Mike, I was born in the Bronx, NY. My teen years were in NY , my adult years where in New Jersey. Where I grew up. I had many Black friends and one ended up being one of my best friends. I have to thank my mother who always said treat people the way you want to be treated. That has stuck with me. I judge people the way they treat me. Now my dad he was another Archie Bunker. But he did not know. He was still a good man.

    Now I lived in Texas in the 90’s to 2016. Being a Yankee and living there. I have the utmost respect for people from the Midwest and South. They are the friendliest people and learned a lot from them. Working in NY it’s a fast pace and most people pretty rude. Not all of them, most of them. I learned by living in TX to slow down the world is not going to end in the next minute. ( I guess that’s way Don Henley wrote in a NY minute )  I also got more exposure to Country Music. Which I love today. When I lived in NY there was no country station that I was aware of. So I started to listen to country and was blown away with it. Still learning as I move forward. One thing I’ve notice is country guitarist are under rated. Man there are some great ones.  My friend in Virginia I met through ebay. He was selling all his cd’s and I bought and spoke with him on the business of country music. I learned a lot from him and I am still learning.  One last thing. I live now in NJ. I travel to Texas every year. I always drive through  Virginia, West V and Tennessee. They are the prettiest states my eye have seen. The mountain are breath taking.

    I  better stop. Sorry that this is so long.

    Mike have a great day.


  • Michael Rife

    10/10/2020 at 14:59

    Hi Joe;

    Chicago and Portland are crazy towns now.  I lived in Chicago from 1994 to 2002 and felt safe there even at night.  That has sure changed.  Also, I lived in the Portland area from 2002 to 2008.  Again at night I felt safe walking around there at night.  Well, that has gone way too.  Mike.

  • Tom Fones

    10/10/2020 at 15:05

    WHFS was progressive rock before it had a name.

    I spent my formative years in Bethesda, MD.

    The country and blue grass guys around Nashville deserve a lot of credit for musicianship.

    Please see my Albert Lee post on Ask the Twins.

    Austin is a nice area but too congested.

    I believe that all the chaos is by being orchestrated. But i shouldn’t get started here.

    Everyone stay strong.

  • Joseph Manzi

    10/10/2020 at 15:36

    I agree H. Thomas.

    Question what the H stand for?

    I agree with your statement about chaos and will leave it alone.

    Yea Austin is very busy. I have two friends that live there. One it’s a big college town.

    and it has developed with people moving there. As of all  Texas has. I remember my town,

    Flower Mound which is in Denton county was great in the beginning and then it got so crowded.  It’s still growing.

    I will check out your Albert Lee post.



  • Tom Fones

    10/10/2020 at 15:46

    Henry.   But i go by Tom. I don’t know how i got my formal name on the Web site.

    I had a great year working  for ‘Michael’ (Dell) in Round Rock.

    Before i came home i toured south Texas a bit.

    Northern South Padre Island reminds me of The Outer Banks in NC many years ago.

    Southern South Padre Island reminds me of  Cancun. Very resorty.

    Big Bend Nat’l park is worth a week.  Marfa is a hole in the ground.

  • Tom Fones

    10/10/2020 at 16:31


    i just love that injection of sweet soul in the heart of Dixie.

    Where has Blackberry Smoke been hiding ?

    Thanks  🙂

  • Joseph Manzi

    10/10/2020 at 17:09


    I came across then about four years ago. They are from Georgia and have been around almost twenty years now. To me they are the best band out there. I can’t get enough of them. I just saw them on 9/11 in New Jersey. It was an acoustic show. It was my first time seeing them.

    They are one of those groups that do great live shows and studio material. They are great electric or acoustic. You need to check them out on You Tube. You won’t regret it.

  • Joseph Manzi

    10/10/2020 at 17:11
  • Tom Fones

    10/10/2020 at 17:12


    their studio stuff keeps popping up on Youtube suggestions.

    Damnit i can’t get any work done.  🙂

    But thanks again.

  • Joseph Manzi

    10/10/2020 at 17:39

    Not sure what you are talking about Tom.

    Try typing in search box Blackberry Smoke Homecoming Live in Atlanta, that should bring up that performance and it should have all the songs from that show. Or just type Blackberry Smoke and all their video’s should come up.  I hope that works. Let me know

  • Tom Fones

    10/10/2020 at 17:42

    Youtube keeps throwing suggestions at me off to the side as  i watch something.

    Maybe everyone else has that turned off ?

  • Joseph Manzi

    10/10/2020 at 18:00


    Maybe it an You Tube issue. I would try again later. Were you able to watch the ones I posted here?



  • Tom Fones

    10/10/2020 at 20:18

    No – i get youtube suggestions in thumbnails off to the side.

    I probably need to turn it off.

    The trouble is half the time i enjoy it and half the time my attention deficit gets worse.

    Don’t stress.

  • Tom Fones

    10/10/2020 at 20:30

    I’ve got Autoplay on. I never noticed. Don’t stress

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