MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Rolling Stone “In My Room” Series

  • David Herrick

    26/03/2020 at 23:25

    Meanwhile, here’s another approach:


  • Howard

    27/03/2020 at 02:55

    Good one David, especially, “I’ve Gotta Wash My Hands”! If one good thing can come from this nasty virus, it will be that everyone now knows how to properly wash their hands!

    ”I even want my latex gloves sanitised, sanitised, sanitised!!”

    “Yeah, I’ve learned this one thing, the twenty second plan.”

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/03/2020 at 03:08

    I sing an MLT song, well…. 20 seconds going on 40 secs when handwashing…. Lol ?

  • Jung Roe

    27/03/2020 at 04:11

    [postquote quote=89162][/postquote]
    Enjoyed that David, thanks for posting.  I thought for a sec his dog might join in the singing!  🙂


  • David Herrick

    27/03/2020 at 11:35

    The dog is clearly not a CCR fan.  As soon as he recognized the song, he started looking around for something more interesting to do.


  • Jung Roe

    27/03/2020 at 19:56

    [postquote quote=89204][/postquote]
    For the longest time I thought “Hang on Sloopy Hang on” was about Snoopy!  Maybe John should have sung this one to keep his dog’s attention:

    Hang on Snoopy, Snoopy hang on
    Hang on Snoopy, Snoopy hang on

    Snoopy lives in a doghouse here in town
    And every day Lucy tries to put poor Snoopy down
    Well Snoopy I don’t care what Charlie Brown do
    Cause you know Snoopy, Woodstock’s in love with you

    And so I say now
    Hang on Snoopy, Snoopy hang on
    Hang on Snoopy, Snoopy hang on

    Snoopy let your ears down dog, as a beagle should be
    Snoopy let your ears down dog, as a beagle should be

    Drool on Snoopy, drool on Snoopy
    Drool on, drool on
    Bark on Snoopy, bark on Snoopy
    Bark on, bark on

    Well it seems so rude
    Bark on, bark on
    You know it seems so rude
    Bark on, bark on

    Well eat it, eat it, eat it Snoopy
    Puppy chow, puppy chow
    Well play dead, play dead, play dead yeah
    Now sit, now sit

    Hang on Snoopy, Snoopy hang on
    Hang on Snoopy, Snoopy hang on

  • Jung Roe

    27/03/2020 at 19:57

    Perhaps it’s because of this cartoon, I always thought that McCoy’s classic hit was about Snoopy.

  • David Herrick

    27/03/2020 at 21:05

    Did you write those lyrics, Jung?

    I probably would have thought it was “Hang on Snoopy” too, except I first heard it on a compilation album that had the song titles listed.


  • Jacki Hopper

    28/03/2020 at 00:22

    Doggone Funny, that Gone to the dogs Snoopy Parody of yours of “Hang On Sloopy” ??

  • Jung Roe

    28/03/2020 at 02:59

    David, Jacki.   I wish I had the talent with words to write a parody like that, but no I found it online.  I thought it was brilliant!  🙂

  • John Behle

    28/03/2020 at 22:35

    The Neil Diamond song is nice too.  “Washing hand… Reaching out don’t touch me.  I won’t touch you”.


  • Jacki Hopper

    29/03/2020 at 23:01

    Lol… Funny John… Many a good Hand Washing/ConVid-19 related song parodies out there online at the moment… Lol… We need humour badly at this time… ??

  • David Herrick

    30/03/2020 at 00:50

    With  apologies to John Denver:


    “Wash with me, up and down,

    All the way, and all around.

    Wash your hands, and I will wash with you.”


  • Jacki Hopper

    30/03/2020 at 01:18

    Ok… David… Gosh, this particular topic thread is giving me a bladder Workout with laughter and cackle snorts reading while singing the songs as written here in my mind… Lol… It’s a welcome diversion/distraction to ease cabin fever blues….

  • John Behle

    30/03/2020 at 01:47

    Creative lyrics David.  Took me a minute to figure out that was the John Denver song “Follow Me”.

    And we can add in a Diana Ross song “Don’t Touch me in The Morning” and even an “ICE T” song of “Wash, Wash, Baby”

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